Classic TOU Map - Main

The classic TOU Map page is used to create and maintain Time of Use Maps. Open this page using Menu > Interval Billing > TOU Map > Search.


This page is only available if the Complex Billing module is not turned off.

Description of Page

The TOU Map Info contains important information about the classic TOU map. These values only appear after the classic TOU map exists on the database. The TOU Map ID is a system-assigned random number.

Enter the Description of the classic TOU Map.

Indicate the classic TOU Map Type that defines this TOU map.

The External ID is available for cross-referencing this TOU map with an external source.

If this map is SA Owned, the SA ID linked to this map is displayed along with information about the SA.

Use the Generate button to generate data for this TOU map based on a classic TOU map template. Refer to Classic TOU Map - Generate for more information.

The tree at the bottom of this page shows information about data sets linked to the classic TOU map.

  • The Error Data Sets node displays if any of the data sets linked to the TOU map are in Error. Expanding this node displays each error data set.
  • The Data Created Through node displays the date of the latest complete interval as of the current date. Expanding this node displays the last 10 Complete data sets.