Appointment Period Maintenance

An appointment period is a time-band on a given date range when an appointment can be scheduled with a dispatch group. For example, you might have an appointment period from 1 pm to 5 pm on 15-Jan-2003 for the "new service" crew. This page is used to maintain a dispatch group's appointment periods. Refer to The Big Picture of Appointments for more information about appointments and appointment periods.


Mass update functionality exists. This page has mass-update functionality that can be used to add / update / delete many appointment periods at once. Refer to How to for more information

External System Integration. If your organization uses the FA integration module, you do not need to set up appointment periods for dispatch groups that reference an external system. The system automatically creates appointment period records as an audit when an appointment is booked via the external system.

Open this page using Menu > Field Order > Appointment Period.

Description of Page

The grid on this page contains one row for every appointment period linked to the Dispatch Group.

This grid is initially populated with appointment periods starting from today's date and ending 7 days in the future when you select a Dispatch Group. If you wish to see appointment periods for a different date range, enter a Start Date and/or Number of Days and then click the search button; the system will populate the grid with all appointment periods starting from Start Date and ending X days in the future (where X is Number of Days).

Each appointment period in the grid contains the following information:

  • Start Date and Start Time define the start of the appointment period.
  • End Date and End Time define the end of the appointment period. The end date is defaulted to the start date.
  • Maximum Appointments defines the maximum number of appointments in the appointment period. Refer to Limiting The Number Of Appointments for more information about the uses of this field.
  • Scheduled Appointments indicates the number of field activities that are currently linked to this appointment period. You can use the go to button to view the field activities in the appointment period.
  • Appt Period ID indicates the unique identifier that has been assigned to this record.

Refer to How To Copy Appointment Periods for information about the Copy Appointment Periods button. This button is disabled if the dispatch group references a WFM system.

Refer to How To Update Maximum Number Of Appointment Periods for information about the Update Max Appointments button. This button is disabled if the dispatch group references a WFM system.