Populating Field Activity Completion

The following table lists the fields to populate for a Field Activity Completion.

FA Upload Staging Information


All fields in the FA Upload Staging table, FA upload characteristics, FA upload remarks and FA upload staging steps

"Generic" Step Type Information

Step Sequence Number

Customer Contact Info

Customer Contact Date / Time

Customer Contact Class

Customer Contact Type

Customer Contact Comments

Meter Information

Meter Type

Meter Status



Serial Number

Receive Date

Retirement Date


Retire Reason

Meter ID Collection

Meter Characteristics

Meter Configuration Information

Effective Date / Time

Meter Configuration Type

Register Collection

Item Information

Item Type

Item Status



Serial Number

Receive Date

Retirement Date


Retire Reason Code

Item Characteristics

SP Information

SP Type

SP Status

Installation Date

Out of Service Date

SP Source Status

Disconnect Location Code

Service cycle

Service Route

Service cycle / Route Sequence

Meter Location Code

Meter Location Details


SP Characteristics

SP Multi-Item Information

Effective Date for new collection

Count of Items

Item Type Code

Item Count

Item Difference. Used to indicate only changes to the existing item count collection.

Device Test Information

All fields for main Device Test table

External System. Used to record a test done by a third party.

Device Test Component / Result Extra Information.

This additional information is used to identify the meter readings that should be associated with component test results that are meter readings. Note. This FA completion service supports providing information for a single meter reading (in the FA upload staging info above). If your device test produces multiple readings, the assumption is that the readings are entered separately prior to this upload of completion information.

Component sequence. Indicate the sequence of the Device Test Component

Read Sequence for the register for that component. This should correspond to the register's relative sequence within the meter configuration.

Component Result sequence. Indicate the sequence of the Component Result

Read Date/Time. For each result that is related to a meter read, indicate the read date / time so that the system can find the associated meter read for this result.