Zone Action

Most zone types provided by the product allow for one or more Zone Actions to be defined to appear in the zone header. An action can appear as a hyperlink, icon or button. The action can also be provided as an HTML string.

Note: Zone types also include parameters for actions defined at the zone type level using IMPLEMENTOR_​ACTION_​n (Action n) parameters. These are rarely used by the product zone types. The actions defined here override any actions defined on the zone type (if present). The details below apply to the zone type level actions as well.

A zone action is defined using the following mnemonics:



Valid Values



This mnemonic defines the appearance of the action in the zone header.


Indicates that the action is shown as a textual hyperlink.


Indicates that the action is shown as a graphical icon.


Indicates that the action is shown as an HTML button.


Indicates that the parameter will provide the HTML to be used for the action.


This mnemonic defines the action to take when the link/icon/button is clicked. This is ignored when the type=ASIS.


Indicates that the action is navigation to a page.


Indicates that the action is to run a BPA script.


Defines the navigation option to use when the action=NAVIGATION.


Enter a reference to a valid navigation option in single quotes.


Defines the script to run when the action=SCRIPT.


Enter a reference to a valid BPA script in single quotes.


Indicates the icon to use when type=ICON.


Enter a reference to a valid display icon.


Enter an explicit path to the icon, for example 'images/gotoZone.gif'.


This is required when the type=ASIS. This provides the ability to precisely define the HTML you wish to have included in the header. All valid HTML is permitted including the use of "ora" css classes and JavaScript functions.



By default, the label or tooltip will come from the navigation option or BPA script description. Use this mnemonic to override that label.


Enter a valid field name whose label should be used. This should always be the option used if multiple languages are needed.


Enter the text directly in single quotes.

context=[target1=source1 target2=source2]

This is used to pass context data when navigating to a page or executing a BPA script. The mnemonic supports passing multiple values.

In each case the target context field or BPA script variable is defined first followed by an equal sign, followed by source data defined using one of the valid values defined in the next column.

One or more values may be defined. Each context value is defined separated by spaces. The whole set of context values should be surrounded by square brackets.


Indicates that the value should be taken from the field with this name from portal context, global context or the page data model. The mnemonic sourceLoc is used for defining the source.


Indicates that the value should be taken from a schema field, represented by the Xpath, displayed in this zone. This is valid when the zone is displaying a UI Map.


Indicates that the value defined in single quotes should be passed.


This mnemonic defines the source of the FIELD_​NAME's value in the context mnemonic.

If this mnemonic is left blank, the default behavior is as follows:

- The portal context is checked.

- If no portal context value is found, the global context is checked.

- If neither value is available, the field is ignored.


Indicates that the field's value is retrieved from the global context.


Indicates that the field's value is retrieved from the portal context.


Indicates that the field's value is retrieved from the page data model.


Use this mnemonic to override the look and feel of the link / icon / button using a different CSS style.

'className1' 'className2'

Enter one or more classes in single quotes. Multiple class names may be provided.


Use this mnemonic to override the look and feel of the action element using the indicated css style.

Standard style= format.

All allowed css style definitions may be used.


This mnemonic, along with vinput= and voutput=, may be used to conditionally hide the action. Use this mnemonic to define the service script responsible for determining wherher the action should be visible or not.


Enter a reference to a valid service script in single quotes.

vinput=[target1=source1 target2=source2]

This is used to pass input data to the visibility script. The mnemonic supports passing multiple values.

In each case the target field is defined first followed by an equal sign, followed by source data defined using one of the valid values defined in the next column.

One or more input values may be defined. Each value is defined separated by spaces. The whole set of values should be surrounded by square brackets.


Indicates that the value should be taken from the field with this name from portal context.


Indicates that the value defined in single quotes should be passed.


Use this mnemonic to define the XPath name of a Boolean element set by the visibility script indicating whether to show the action or not.


If the visibility script sets the element to true the action is visible. If it is set to false the action is not visible.


  • type=BUTTON action=SCRIPT bpa='F1-SET-USER' context=[USER_​ID=USER_​ID] label=UPDATE_​LBL

  • type=LINK action=NAVIGATION navopt='gotoUser' context=[USER_​ID=path(schema/userdId)]

  • type=LINK … vss='F1BtrActVis' vinput=[batchControl=BATCH_​CD batchNumber=BATCH_​NBR batchRerunNumber=BATCH_​RERUN_​NBR batchRunAction='CLOSE_​PARMS'] voutput=showAction

  • type=ASIS asis=['<A class="oraLink" href="">Search</a>']

Note: If the zone type has actions defined and there is a desire to simply remove the zone type actions, the Zone Action can be set with the following configuration: type=ASIS asis=[]