How To Reference Fields In Data Areas

Various step types involve referencing field elements residing in the script's data areas. To reference an element in a data area you need to provide its absolute XPath notation starting from the data area name. For example, use "F1-BatchControl/batchControl" to reference a top-level "batchControl" element in a script data area called "F1–BatchControl".

You don't have to type in long XPath notations. Use the View Script Schema hyperlink provided on the Script portal to launch the script's data areas schema.

Figure 1. Schema Viewer
Detail of a screenshot showing the schema viewer.

Doing this opens the schema viewer window where you can:

  • Click on the field element you want to reference in your script step. The system automatically populates the text box on the top with the element's absolute XPath notation.
  • Copy the element's XPath notation from the text box to your script.

You can also use the View Data Area, View Service Script Data Area, or View Plug-In Script Data Area links on the Data Areas tab page on the Script portal to the same effect. These open up the schema viewer for a specific data area respectively.