Script Engine Version

Script engine version defines key information affecting the context and execution of the script.

  • Script engine version values of 1, 2 and 3 define the version of the XML Path Language (XPath) to be used for the script. Versions 2 and 3 use the XPath 2 engine supplied by the XQuery team. This is the same engine used inside the Oracle database. The current script engine version 3 is a modified version that offers performance improvements without impacting existing version 2 scripts.

    The default script engine version is 3.0 for plug-in and service scripts. The default version for BPA scripts is 1.0 as higher level versions are not applicable.

    There are some additional details to note about script engine version 1.0:

    • The XPath library used is Jaxen

    • For BPA scripts, it uses the browser’s xpath and XML support except for Internet Explorer where the XSXML parser is used.

    • Xpath 1 (and even JavaScript) uses floating point arithmetic, which means that adding a collection of numbers with two decimal places might end up with a value of 10779.079999999998 instead of 10779.08

  • A Script Engine Version value of Groovy is only applicable to plug-in scripts and Groovy Library scripts. It is used to indicate that only Groovy related step types are used in the script and signals to the system that there is no need to convert the data to and from an XML interface. This allows for greater efficiency in script execution. This is the default value for Groovy Library scripts and cannot be changed.

  • The value Framework Version 2.1 Compatibility Mode remains for upgrade purposes. This value should only be applicable to early versions of BPA scripts using syntax that is incompatible with XPath syntax.