To Do Summary Zone

The To Do Summary Zone may appear in the sidebar area for backward compatibility reasons. The zone has several purposes:

  • It presents a summary of the To Do entries that have been assigned to you.
  • The colored "age bars" highlight the age of the To Do entries. The colors red, yellow and green are used to highlight the relative number of old, middle-aged and new To Do entries. The age associated with each of these colors is user-configurable. Note, you can hover the cursor over an "age bar" to see the number of To Do entries.
  • If you click on the To Do Type description, you'll be transferred to the To Do Management portal where these To Do entries will be displayed. From this page, you can drill down to the specific entries.
Note: Time saver! Use the worklist button when working on an entry in the To Do Management portal. All the individual To Do entries will be visible in the Worklist sidebar zone, allowing you to work through additional To Do entries without returning to the To Do Management portal.