One-Time Payment Options
The Add One-Time Payment popup provides the ability to 'quick add' a payment event using existing auto pay methods, new checking/savings auto pay methods, cash and non-cash/non-auto pay methods (like check).
This user interface provides the same capabilities as the Payment Event - Add Dialog, including processing for open-item and non-CIS payor accounts. In addition, it provides the following:
Ability to specify auto pay tender details within the same popup. No need to navigate to the Payment Event page.
Ability to select an existing auto pay method from either a currently enrolled Account Auto Pay option or a stored Person Self-Service Payment Option.
Ability to specify new auto pay methods, with an option to save the payment method for future one-time payments
Web debit account validation can be enforced for first-use checking and savings accounts. Refer to Web Debit Account Validation for more details.
Enabling the Add One-Time Payment User Interface
To enable the Add One-Time Payment popup, configure the following options in Financial Transaction Options feature configuration:
Enable Add One-Time Payment UI. Set this to Y, to replace the Payment Event-Add pop-up with the Add One-Time Payment pop-up on all existing launch points of the old pop-up.
One-Time Payment UI Navigation. Specify where the user should be navigated after successful one-time payment creation. This is optional. If not specified, the pop-up simply closes.
One-Time Payment Service Task Type. If your inmplementation enabled Web Debit Account Validation, add a One-Time Payment service task type using the base-provided C1-OneTimePaymentTaskType and C1-OneTimePaymentTask. Specify your One-Time Payment service task type on this feature option.
Override Script for Add One-Time Pmt UI. If your implementation has additional requirements for the Add One-Time Payment UI, you can clone the base-owned BPA script (C1OTPayAddNv) and specify your CM script on this feature option. If configured, the system will launch this override script instead of the base-owned script.
Refer to Add One-Time Payment for more information.