Payment Event - Add Dialog
The Payment Event transaction features an unusual dialog that simplifies the addition of new payment events. This page appears if you open the Menu > Financial > Payment Event > Add from either the Account context menu or from Menu (it also appears if you click the clear button when on the Payment Event page).
If you have opted to always use the payment event distribution rules method as your default method, the Payment Event Quick Add (Single Payment Event) page appears instead.
There is an Add One-Time Payment dialog that behaves similarly to Payment Event - Add, but adds a number of capabilities related to automatic payment methods. Refer to Add One-Time Payment for more details. To use the Add One-Time Payment popup instead of the Payment Event - Add popup, refer to One-Time Payment Options for details on enablement.
Description of Page
The Payor Account ID is the account that remitted the payment. We assume this account is both the tendering account and the account whose debt is being relieved by the payment. If this assumption is not correct, choose a Distribute Action of Do Not Distribute and then change the tendering or paying account when the Payment Event page appears (after you click OK).
Default note. If you have navigated to this page from account context menu, the Payor Account ID and Payment Amount are defaulted to this account.
The Payment Amount is the amount of the customer's debt to be relieved by the payment. Note, this amount is defaulted using an algorithm plugged in on the Installation Record. Please refer to the Automatic Payment Amount Calculation algorithm, (C1-APAM-DFLT) for more information on the calculation.
The payment tenders grid allows you to enter multiple tender types and amounts. Click + to add a new tender. For each tender specify the following fields:
The Amount Tendered is the amount of moneys remitted for the tender type.
Tender Type describes what was remitted (e.g., cash, check, ...). Tender Type defaults from the Quick Add Tender Type that is defined on the installation record.
If a check was tendered, use Check Number to specify the identity of the check.
Cash back causes an additional tender to be created. If cash should be returned to the customer (because the customer overpaid and the tender type's cash back allowed switch is true and the tender type is not "like cash"), a negative tender for the cash back amount is created for the payment event. Refer to Cash Back for a description of how the system can recommend Cash Back amount if the customer tendered more than they are paying.
Match Type and Match Value are used if either of the following conditions is true:
This Payor Account belongs to an open item customer class. In this situation, specify a Match Type to define how the payment should be matched to the customer's open-items and use Match Value to define the open-items covered by the payment. For example, if this payment is in respect of a bill, specify a match type of "bill ID" and a match value of the bill ID being paid.
Shortcut. If you enter a Match Type of "bill ID" and leave the Match Value blank, the system assumes the customer wants to pay the latest bill.
The customer wants to restrict the distribution of the payment to a specific service agreement. In this situation, specify a Match Type of "service agreement ID" and a Match Value of the respective service agreement ID.
The Payment Date defaults to the current date.
If the Payor Account ID's customer class is designated as non-CIS (i.e., the person making the payment isn't a customer), the following information appears in the above window:
Non CIS Name is the name of the person remitting the payment.
Reference Number is the reference number of the item being paid (e.g., the property tax reference number).
Non CIS Comments are used to describe anything unusual about the non-CIS payment.
Use Distribute Action to describe what you'd like to have happen when you click the OK button:
Choose Distribute and Freeze if OK if this is a simple payment that should require no manual intervention. By "simple payment" we mean:
The account is both the tendering account and the account whose debt is being relieved by the payment
The payment date is the current date
The payment should be distributed amongst the account's service agreements using standard distribution logic
If this option is selected, the system distributes the Payment Amount amongst the account's service agreements. If the distribution is successful, the system automatically freezes the payment. If the distribution is not successful, the payment will be in the Error or Incomplete state. When the Payment Event page appears, you can view the error and then correct it. After the cause of the error is corrected, you must distribute and freeze the payment manually (this can be done on several pages including Payment Event - Main and Payment - Main).
Choose Manual Distribution if you need to manually distribute the payment amongst the account's service agreements. If this option is selected, the system creates a payment event, a tender and a payment and then transfers you to the Payment - Manual Distribution page where you can define the amount to be allocated to each of the account's service agreements. After you've distributed the payment, don't forget to freeze it.
Choose Do Not Distribute if you want to process the payment event manually (e.g., if you need to define multiple accounts whose debt is relieved by the payment). If this option is selected, the Payment Event - Main page opens with the information you entered defaulted accordingly. You can make any changes you want and then distribute and freeze the payment. Refer to How To Add A New Payment Event for more information.
Cash-only warning. If the account has exceeded your cash-only threshold and the Tender Type isn't marked as "like cash", a warning appears advising of such. Note, a customer's cash-only points are maintained on Account - Credit Rating.