Severing Service
Sub SAs and severance is tricky. Why?
Because it's possible for the master SA to be in arrears when the sub SA isn't (for all the standard reasons - directed payments, cancel / rebills, etc.).
Because it's possible for the sub SA to be on one collection process and the master to be on another (due to different debt classes or different time lines).
Both of these situations could result in severance starting for only one of the service agreements in the master / sub relationship. However, YOU CAN'T CUT SERVICE FOR ONE WITHOUT CUTTING THE OTHER because there is only one service point.
Before we describe how to deal with this conundrum, we'd like to remind you that the system starts a unique severance process for each SA (sub or normal) to be severed. It only creates a severance process for those service agreements linked to a collection process when the collection process' Start Severance event is activated. The type of severance process that is created is controlled by each service agreement's SA Type's severance criteria. Please keep in mind the following when designing these severance processes:
Only The "Master" Service Agreement Is Linked To Service Points. This means only master SAs should have a "cut for non payment" severance event. Note: typically, such a severance process will expire the "master SA" several days after the cut event if funds are NOT received.
As described under Sub SA State Transition, a sub SA becomes Pending Stop (and eventually Stopped ) when its "master" is stopped. This means the sub SAs will be finaled when the master is finaled.
If you start severance on a sub SA when the master isn't being severed, you have a problem because you can't cut the sub SA independent from the master SA.
We'll use an example to illustrate how you should design your severance processes to deal with the above challenge. Assume you have a master and a sub SA where both are being managed under the same collection process. Also assume that the Start Severance event kicks off on 18-Dec-1999. In this situation, we'd recommend the following severance processes to be kicked off.
Notice that the sub SA's severance process contains a single event that generates a To Do Entry on a date in the future of the Expire SA event on the Master SA. This entry should be something like "sub being severed independent of its master". This event will only be triggered if the master SA is paid off and the sub SA isn't. Why? Because if the master SA's Expire SA event is executed, the Sub SA will be Stopped and stopping a SA cancels outstanding severance processes. If the sub gets paid, the system will cancel the sub's severance process.
Let's change the example and assume that the master starts severance and the sub doesn't. In this situation, the master SA will eventually hit the Expire SA event and the sub SA will also stop. There's no alternative.
And let's change the example again and assume the sub starts severance and the master doesn't. In this situation, the To Do Entry will only be created X days after the start of severance. If you can't stand this date being X days in the future of the creation of the severance process, create an "Severance Criteria Algorithm" that checks if the master is not being severed or collected and generates a different severance process (with a different start date). Refer to Designing Your Severance Procedures for more information about Severance Criteria Algorithms.