Bill Segment - SQ Details
The Description of Page section below describes the fields on this page.
The SQ Details page contains information about the How the System Requests How Much Was Consumed that will be priced by the service agreement's rate. In addition to showing SQ details, this page shows any Calculation / Audit Read Details and Calculation / Audit Usage Details that are linked to the bill segment. Open Menu > Financial > Bill Segment > Search and navigate to the SQ Details page to view this information.
Description of Page
Bill Seg Info is a concatenation of the bill segment's division, SA type, status, bill period and amount. Bill Segment ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the bill segment.
The Service Quantity details grid is a snapshot of the service quantities amassed from:
The bill segment's usage request.
Those items for which the system estimates consumption. Refer to Defining Device Options for more information.
Billable charges that supply service quantities.
One row exists for every unique combination of unit of measure (UOM), time-of-use (TOU) code, and service quantity identifier (SQI) associated with the service agreement.
This information may be overridden on a bill segment in the Error or Freezable state. Insert one row in the service quantity grid (click the + button) for each UOM/TOU/SQI you need to add. You may also change amounts that were populated by the system when it initially generated the bill by simply overwriting the information.
The proper way to fix the SQ details on a bill segment is to correct the cause of the error (e.g., correct the meter reading). Overriding the SQ details on a bill segment is a last resort that should only be used when you can't fix the cause of the problem. Refer to How To Cancel / Rebill A Bill Segment for ways to fix common problems.
The following information is displayed in the grid:
Unit of Measure is the unit of measure of the service quantity.
Time of Use is the time-of-use of the service quantity.
SQI is the service quantity identifier of the service quantity.
Initial Service Quantity is the initial quantity amassed by the system before application of the rate's pre-processing calculation group(s), if any exists.
Billable Service Quantity is the service quantity that will be priced by the service agreement's rate. This amount differs from the initial service quantity when the rate's pre-processing calculation rule(s) manipulate consumption.
The Calculation/Audit Read Details section contains Calculation / Audit Read Details. This section only appears if any of the following conditions are true:
The service agreement has a special role of Billable Charge or Bill Determinants Required.
The bill segment has one or more reads with a usage flag of Calculation/Audit .
The following information may be defined for each calculation / audit read:
Final Unit of Measure is the final unit of measure of the calculation / audit read.
Final Time of Use is the final time-of-use code of the calculation / audit read.
Final SQI is the final service quantity identifier of the calculation / audit read.
Start Date/Time is the date and time of the calculation / audit read.
End Date/Time is the date and time of the calculation / audit read.
Quantity is the quantity of the calculation / audit read. This would typically contain the amount that was billed during the Start Date/Time through the End Date/Time for the Final Unit of Measure, Final Time of Use and Final SQI.
Unit of Measure is the initial unit of measure of the calculation / audit read (if any).
Time of Use is the initial time-of-use code of the calculation / audit read.
SQI is the initial service quantity identifier of the calculation / audit read.
Start Quantity is the "start" quantity (if any). This value would typically only be displayed if the calculation / audit read is subtractive (i.e., you must subtract the end quantity from the start quantity to determine billable consumption).
End Quantity is the "end" quantity (if any). This value would typically only be displayed if the calculation / audit read is subtractive (i.e., you must subtract the end quantity from the start quantity to determine billable consumption).
Measured Quantity is the resulting measured quantity (if any). This value would typically only be displayed if the calculation / audit read is subtractive (i.e., you must subtract the end quantity from the start quantity to determine billable consumption). It should contain the difference between the Start Quantity and the End Quantity.
Constant is the constant of the measuring device that was multiplied by the Measured Quantity to derive the calculation / audit read's Quantity.
How To Use is a code that indicates if the "calculation / audit" read was is considered to be additive, subtractive, peak or check.
Use Percent is the percentage of the total consumption that was billed.
Meas Peak Qty indicates if the unit of measure is one that measures peak consumption.
Multiplier is the ratio of the Quantity and the Measured Quantity. This value only appears if a non-zero value exists in both of these fields.
Seq No is the sequence number (if any).
Service Point is the unique identifier of the service point at which the readings were calculated (if applicable).
This information may be overridden on a bill segment in the Error or Freezable state. Insert one row in the calculation / audit details grid (click the + button) for each entry you need to add. You may also information populated by the system when it initially generated the bill by simply overwriting the information.
The proper way to fix the calculation/audit details on a bill segment is to correct the cause of the error. Overriding the calculation/audit details on a bill segment is a last resort that should only be used when you can't fix the cause of the problem.
Refer to Calculation / Audit Read Details for more information about this section.
The Calculation/Audit Usage Details grid contains usage service quantities for the bill segment. This section appears when the service agreement has a special role of Bill Determinants Required. The following information is displayed in the grid:
Final Unit of Measure is the final unit of measure of the calculation / audit usage.
Final Time of Use is the final time-of-use code of the calculation / audit usage.
Final Service Quantity ID is the final service quantity identifier of the calculation / audit usage.
Start Date/Time is the date and time of the calculation / audit usage.
End Date/Time is the date and time of the calculation / audit usage.
Quantity is the quantity of the calculation / audit usage. This would typically contain the amount that was billed during the Start Date/Time through the End Date/Time for the Final Unit of Measure, Final Time of Use and Final SQI.
Sequence is the sequence number.
Service Point ID is the unique identifier of the service point at which the usage was calculated.
Refer to Calculation / Audit Usage Details for more information about this section.