Communication Flows
The table below lists the communications created for each Silver Spring Networks command:
Outbound Communication
Inbound Communication
Completion Event
Remote Connect
SSN–Connect or Disconnect
SSN – Connect or Disconnect Response
Remote Provisioning Job (Get Status)
Connect Device Completion Event
Remote Disconnect
SSN–Connect or Disconnect
SSN – Connect or Disconnect Response
Disconnect Device Completion Event
Device Commissioning (see Note below)
SSN- Replace Location
Device Commissioning Completion Event
Device Decommissioning
SSN- Replace Device At Location (Decomm)
Device Decommissioning Completion Event
On-Demand Read
SSN – Add Meter Read Job (Scalar)
SSN – Meter Read Response (Scalar)
Create IMD Completion Event
On-Demand Read
SSN – Add Meter Read Job (Interval)
SSN – Meter Read Response (Interval)
Create IMD Completion Event
Device Status Check
SSN – Add Ping job
SSN – Ping Job Response
Service points must be provisioned in the Silver Spring Networks (Itron AMM) system before the Device Commissioning command can be used.
Unit of Measure Filtering for On-Demand Reads
Readings returned via On-Demand Read commands are filtered on the combination of Unit of Measure/Time of Use/Service Quantity Identifiers (UOM/TOU/SQI) configured for the device and measuring component. When filtering is enabled, only readings that match a configured UOM/TOU/SQI combination are processed. All others are filtered out.
Filtering is enabled by default via the “Opt Out Of Filtering” parameter (set to "false" by default) on the D7-CCOMPEV (Create Completion Event Scalar) algorithm on the Create Completion Events status of the D7-MeterReadResponseScalar (SSN - Meter Read Response (Scalar)) business object (for scalar on-demand read commands), and/or on the D7-CCOMPEVIN (Create Completion Event Interval) algorithm on the Create Completion Events status of the D7-MeterReadResponseInterval (SSN - Meter Read Response (Interval)) business object (for interval on-demand read commands).
When filtering is enabled, the “Filter if invalid external MC identifier” parameter on the D7-CCOMPEV and D7-CCOMPEVIN algorithms controls what should happen if a measuring component cannot be found using the MC Identifier Number sent from the head end system. When set to 'Yes' and no measuring component is found, the initial measurement will be filtered. When set to 'No' and no measuring component is found, the system will attempt to find the measuring component using the UOM and TOU. The value of the “Filter if invalid external MC identifier” on these algorithms must match the value of the “Error if invalid external MC identifier” parameter on the D1-DER-SPRMC algorithm on the IMD Seeder (D1-IMDSeeder) business object. The parameters should both be set to either "yes" or "no".
The D7-VALDVCFLS (SSN - Check if Device has any Filtering errors (Scalar)) algorithm on the Validate status of the D7-MeterReadResponseScalar (SSN - Meter Read Response (Scalar)) business object is used to check for errors related to filtering for scalar on demand read commands. The value of the “Opt Out Of Filtering” parameter on this algorithm must match the value of the parameter on the D7-CCOMPEV algorithm. The parameters should both be set to either "false" (the default) or "true" (if filtering is to be disabled). The value of the “Filter if invalid external MC identifier” on this algorithm must match the value of the “Error if invalid external MC identifier” parameter on the D1-DER-SPRMC algorithm on the IMD Seeder (D1-IMDSeeder) business object. The parameters should both be set to either "yes" or "no".
The D7-VALDVCFLI (SSN - Check if Device has any Filtering errors (Interval)) algorithm on the Validate status of the D7-MeterReadResponseInterval (SSN - Meter Read Response (Interval)) business object is used to check for errors related to filtering for interval on demand read commands. The value of the “Opt Out Of Filtering” parameter on this algorithm must match the value of the parameter on the D7-CCOMPEVIN algorithm. The parameters should both be set to either "false" (the default) or "true" (if filtering is to be disabled). The value of the “Filter if invalid external MC identifier” on this algorithm must match the value of the “Error if invalid external MC identifier” parameter on the D1-DER-SPRMC algorithm on the IMD Seeder (D1-IMDSeeder) business object. The parameters should both be set to either "yes" or "no".