Order - Hold Dialog

The Order - Hold dialog opens if you press the Hold button on the order transaction. You use it to define why the order is being held and when you want to be reminded to check up on the order.

Description of Page

Use Hold Reason to define why the order is being held.

The following fields are used to control the To Do entry that will be created to remind you about this order.

  • Use Reminder Date / Time to define the latest date on which the To Do entry should be created. The reason we indicated this should be the latest date is because the background process (TD-ECBK) that's responsible for creating these To Do entries has a parameter called "lead time". This parameter is used to define the number of days before the Reminder Date that the To Do entry should be created.
  • If the To Do entry should be addressed to a group of users, choose a Reminder Type of Send to Role and enter the user group's To Do Role. Note, the To Do Role will default from the order's campaign.
  • If the To Do entry should be addressed to a specific user, choose a Reminder Type of Send to User and enter the user's User ID in To Do User.
  • Log Notes are used to describe why the order is being held. This information appears in the log entry that is created by the system when you hold an order.

If there are any To Do entries (with a status of Open or Being Worked On ) that drill down to this order, a message is displayed indicating that existing To Do entries for this order will be completed. If the order is already in Hold status, existing To Do entries are completed when you click the OK button and a new To Do entry is created when the background process responsible for creating the To Do entries runs.