Multiple Time Zone Support

Some utilities have operations in more than a single time zone. When operating in multiple time zones, Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management and Smart Grid Gateway provide the following high level functionality:

  • The ability to receive data in any time zone and convert it to the common time zone used by Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management (as defined by the base time zone)
  • The ability to display functional date/times in the time zone of a given device, service point, usage subscription
  • The ability to define what time zone a measuring component, device configuration, service point, or usage subscription resides in
  • The ability to aggregate data across time zones into a single time zone or without respect to a time zone (see Aggregations on page E-17 for more information).
  • The ability to export data to an external system with the appropriate time zone information to enable the external system to consume data from different service points in different time zones

By default, the system assumes only a single time zone is supported. To enable support for multiple time zones it requires that adding the appropriate entry to the general system configuration feature configuration.

Date/Time Storage and Display

All date/times in the system are stored in the base time zone. Date/times are stored in either standard time or legal time and this determination is made based on the type of data (e.g. measurements are in standard but installation event date/times are in legal).

All date/times are displayed in legal time. Those date/times that are key functional date/times related to a device, service point, or usage subscription will be displayed in the legal time of the time zone the device resides in.

Time Zone Hierarchy and Maintenance

A time zone can be defined at many points within the device to usage subscription hierarchy. This enables the time zone to be accurately portrayed based on the installation status of that device (e.g. not installed, installed but not billed, billed). At each stage of the hierarchy the time zones must match.

Time Zone Hierarchy and Maintenance

Once the hierarchy has been established no one portion of that hierarchy can be changed to a time zone that differs from the other levels of the hierarchy. In order to change the time zone for an established device to usage subscription hierarchy the change must be done to the service point. Once the service point time zone has been changed the system will cascade that change to all other levels of the hierarchy.

If a device has been installed at a service point in order for it to be moved to a different service point in a different time zone. It will require that a new device configuration be created for time zone of the new service point since a device configuration cannot be associated to two different service points each with a different time zone from the device configuration.

Note: If the time zone for a device that has existing measurements has been changed there will be no automatic adjustments made to the underlying measurement data. If the measurement data must be changed it will require manual intervention.

Note: Although measuring component has time zone it is not populated on physical devices that are installed at service points. This time zone is used for standalone measuring components.

Impacts on Aggregations

In aggregation there are two use cases for how data should be aggregated for service points that exist in differing time zones:

  • Absolute Time: If a time zone is provided on the measuring component or measuring component type, then the aggregation horizon date/times will be used across service points of differing time zones. For example the 4/1/2010 12AM interval in US/Pacific would be combined with the 4/1/2010 3AM interval in US/Eastern. Since all date/times are stored in the base time zone there is no need to do time zone conversions.
  • Local Time: If no time zone is specified, consumption is aggregated by converting the aggregation horizon to the appropriate time zone for each service point. For example the 4/1/2010 12AM interval in US/Pacific would be combined with the 4/1/2010 12AM interval in US/Eastern.

Aggregation Measuring Components in general do not have any time zone related dependencies with other master configuration objects. However, when an aggregator is listed as a direct channel measuring component on a usage subscription it share the same time zone as the Usage Subscription.

Impacts on TOU Map Generation

The date and times defined on a Time of Use Mapping Templates (TOU) do not have a time zone associated to them and will be interpreted based on the time zone of the TOU map type of the specific TOU Map being processed. This allows for a single definition of a TOU schedule that can be applied across many different time zones.

During the generation of the TOU map data for a given TOU map template the date/times will be converted from the time zone of the TOU map to the time zone defined in the base time zone defined on the installation options - framework. For example, if 1/1/2010 5:00PM was considered to be "On Peak" and the system time zone was UTC -08:00 and the TOU map time zone was UTC -05:00 then the TOU map data entry would be written as 1/1/2010 2:00PM.

Impacts on Factors

Factor effective dates do not have a time zone associated to them and are assumed to be in the local time zone of the data being validated. For example a factor effective 4/1/2010 12:00AM would be considered to be effective 4/1/2010 12:00AM UTC -08:00 and 4/1/2010 12:00AM UTC -05:00 based on the time zones of the respective meters. This allows a single factor to apply to many time zones and behave uniformly.

Impacts on Holidays

Holiday effective dates do not have a time zone associated to them and are assumed to be in the local time zone of the data being validated. For example a holiday on 12/25/2010 would be considered to be effective beginning 12/25/2010 12:00AM UTC -08:00 and 12/25/2010 12:00AM UTC -05:00 based on the time zones of the respective meters.

Impacts on Periodic Estimation

Impacts on Initial Measurement Creation Online

When creating initial measurements online from the 360 Degree View portals, initial measurements are created as appropriate for measuring components with time zones other than the base time zone.

For example, if you copy measurements from a measuring component in one time zone to a measuring component in a different time zone, the measurements are being moved in absolute time (i.e. the 3:00 PM in UTC -08:00 would be changed 6:00PM in UTC -05:00).

Impacts on Items

The consumption for "badged" and "unbadged" items is driven by configuration on the device type service quantity and the multi-item section of the service point:

  • Device Type Service Quantity: the effective date of the service quantity does not have a time zone and is assumed to be in the local time zone of the service point it is associated to (whether through a install event for "badged" items or by being directly configured on the service point). For example an effective date time of 1/1/2010 5:00PM would be considered to be effective beginning 1/1/2010 5:00PM UTC -08:00 and 1/1/2010 5:00PM UTC -05:00 based on the time zones of the respective meters
  • Service Point Multi-Item: the start date time and end date time of the multi-item list are stored in legal time of the base time zone and displayed in the legal time of the service point's time zone.