Deposit Control - Turn Ins

The Turn Ins page contains a row for every turn-in event linked to the deposit control. Open this page using Menu > Financial > Deposit Control > Search and navigate to the Turn Ins page.


Refer to Turn Ins for background information.

Description of Page

Deposit Control contains a concatenation of the deposit control's creation date, tender source type, and status.

Deposit Control ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the deposit control.

The turn-ins grid contains one row for every turn-in event associated with the deposit control. A turn-in event is created when moneys originally deposited in respect of a tender control are turned in to the tender control's deposit control. Turn-in events are created and maintained on the Tender Control - Turn Ins page. Refer to Turn Ins for background information. The following information is displayed in the grid:

  • Turn In Status defines if it is a new turn in Awaiting approval or has been Approved by the operator who is responsible for the Deposit Control. Once the turn-in is Approved, this field becomes display-only.
  • Tender Type is the type of tender that has been turned in. This is a display-only field.
  • Turn In Amount is the amount of the Tender Type that has been turned in. This is a display-only field.
  • Receipt Number is the ID of the receipt given to the person who turn-in the funds. This is a display-only field.
  • Create Date/Time contains when the turn-in event was created. This is a display-only field.