Time of Use (TOU) Mapping and Pricing

The following section describes the logic used by the system to map an interval data curve to TOU periods using a TOU map, and subsequently apply prices to these mapped quantities.

At some point during billing, the system will take an interval data curve and will map the interval values to TOU periods based on a TOU Map. The interval data curve is retrieved from either a specific usage request or from the new rate engine buffer populated prior to calling the rate engine.

The application maps an interval data curve to TOU periods using a TOU map, and subsequently apply prices to these mapped quantities. During billing, the application takes an interval data curve and maps the interval values to TOU periods based on a TOU Map.

This type of data manipulation is typically handled using a calculation rule based on the 'math' calculation rule type.

Once the interval data curve values have been mapped to TOU periods, prices can be applied to the time of use period quantities using calculation rules based on the 'service quantity' calculation rule type.