Packages Limited By Answers And Field Values

Assume your organization has a campaign with several packages. Each package has the following restrictions in respect of its use:

  • "Package 1" can be offered to residential customers in California who are senior citizens.
  • "Package 2" can be offered to residential customers in California who live in single-family homes who are not senior citizens and who heat their homes with electricity.
  • "Package 3" can be offered to residential customers in California who live in single-family homes who are not senior citizens and who heat their homes with gas.
  • "Package 4" can be offered to residential customers in California who live in multi-family homes who are not senior citizens.

Also assume that all customers are encouraged to pay automatically.

The following diagram illustrates how such a campaign might look:

This illustrates how a campaign may look if "Package 1" is offered to residential customers who are senior citizens, and if "Package 2" is offered to residential customers who live in single-family homes, are not senior citizens, and who heat their homes with electricity. Additionally, if "Package 3" is offered to residential customers who live in single-family homes that are not senior citizens and heat their homes with gas. Lastly, if "Package 4" is offered to residential customers who live in multi-family homes and are not senior citizens.

The topics that follow describe the campaign and packages used to support this scenario. We'll start by explaining each package. Then we'll describe how the campaign will be setup. This seems backwards, but it mirrors how you should design this type of campaign:

Senior Citizen Package

The package that is offered to residential customers in California who are senior citizens has the following traits:

  • It has eligibility rules that restrict its use to customers who meet the following criteria:
    • Customer class = Residential
    • Division = California
    • Birth date equates to that of a senior citizen
  • We only need a single service agreement created if the package is selected and therefore there's just one entry in SAs To Create. Please note the following about the information used to create this service agreement:
    • The SA Type is one that's used for an electric residential service agreement (hence the E-RES SA type).
    • The SA Type's Start Option is one that will automatically setup the service agreement with the appropriate rate and contract options for a senior citizen.
    • The service agreement needs to be linked to an electric residential service point (hence the E-RES SP type).
    • We've indicated a Start Algorithm of Start SP Service. Refer to STRM-VT for an example of such an algorithm (type).
  • We have not shown additional questions or miscellaneous fields in this package. This is because this package doesn't have additional questions or additional fields.

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Single-Family Electric Package

The package that is offered to residential customers in California who live in single-family homes who are not senior citizens and who heat their homes with electricity has the following traits:

  • It has eligibility rules that restrict its use to customers who meet the following criteria:
    • Customer class = Residential
    • Division = California
    • Birth date does not equate to that of a senior citizen
    • The premise is a single-family home
    • The premise is heated with electricity
  • We only need a single service agreement created if the package is selected and therefore there's just one entry in SAs To Create. Please note the following about the information used to create this service agreement:
    • The SA Type is one that's used for an electric residential service agreement (hence the E-RES SA type).
    • The SA Type's Start Option is one that will automatically setup the service agreement with the appropriate rate and contract options for this type of customer.
    • The service agreement needs to be linked to an electric residential service point (hence the E-RES SP type).
    • We've indicated a Start Algorithm of Start SP Service. Refer to STRM-VT for an example of such an algorithm (type).
  • We have not shown additional questions or miscellaneous fields in this package. This is because this package doesn't have additional questions or additional fields.

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Single-Family Gas Package

The package that is offered to residential customers in California who live in single-family homes who are not senior citizens and who heat their homes with gas has the following traits:

  • It has eligibility rules that restrict its use to customers who meet the following criteria:
    • Customer class = Residential
    • Division = California
    • Birth date does not equate to that of a senior citizen
    • The premise is a single-family home
    • The premise is heated with gas
  • We only need a single service agreement created if the package is selected and therefore there's just one entry in SAs To Create. Please note the following about the information used to create this service agreement:
    • The SA Type is one that's used for a gas residential service agreement (hence the G-RES SA type).
    • The SA Type's Start Option is one that will automatically setup the service agreement with the appropriate rate and contract options for this type of customer.
    • The service agreement needs to be linked to a gas residential service point (hence the G-RES SP type).
    • We've indicated a Start Algorithm of Start SP Service. Refer to STRM-VT for an example of such an algorithm (type).
  • We have not shown additional questions or miscellaneous fields in this package. This is because this package doesn't have additional questions or additional fields.

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Multi-Family Package

The package that is offered to residential customers in California who live in multi-family homes who are not senior citizens has the following traits:

  • It has eligibility rules that restrict its use to customers who meet the following criteria:
    • Customer class = Residential
    • Division = California
    • Birth date does not equates to that of a senior citizen
    • The premise is a multi-family home
  • This package requires additional information that was not requested at the campaign-level. We're going to assume that the multi-family rate needs to know the number of units in the building. This means that this package needs an additional field (number of units).
  • We only need a single service agreement created if the package is selected and therefore there's just one entry in SAs To Create. Please note the following about the information used to create this service agreement:
    • The SA Type is one that's used for an electric residential service agreement (hence the E-RES SA type).
    • The SA Type's Start Option is one that will automatically setup the service agreement with the appropriate rate and contract options for this type of customer.
    • The service agreement needs to be linked to an electric residential service point (hence the E-RES SP type).
    • We've indicated a Start Algorithm of Start SP Service. Refer to STRM-VT for an example of such an algorithm (type).
  • We have not shown additional questions in this package. This is because this package doesn't have additional questions.

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The Campaign

Note the following about this campaign:

  • Orders can be created for both new and existing customers. Because new customers are possible, we have specified information to default onto orders for new customers. Note that we defined "residential-oriented" default values (but remember, these values can be overridden on the order).
  • The questions on the campaign are those whose answers play a part in each package's eligibility. You could also ask additional marketing survey-oriented questions that have nothing to do with package eligibility.
  • The miscellaneous fields highlight an interesting situation. Notice that the date-of-birth and "automatic payment" fields are optional. However the field that holds the number of dwelling units is "only applicable on packages". When a field has this designation, the user will only be prompted to supply this field's value if a package is chosen where this field is applicable. In our example, only the Multi Family Package uses this field. This package will be setup to indicate that this field is required whereas the other packages will be setup to indicate that this field is not used.

Bottom line. The "miscellaneous fields" on a campaign must also include package-specific fields.

  • All campaigns need at least one "highlight rule". These rules control whether the campaign appears in the "eligible campaigns" content zone when a customer is selected on Control Central. Also note that "highlight rules" also control whether the campaign appears on an order's eligibility tree (campaigns that appear in this tree are alternate campaigns that may be used on the order).
  • We're going to assume that this is a residential campaign and therefore you would specify a highlight rule that returns true if the customer's customer class is residential.
  • Because this campaign has packages, we have indicated that the button that allows an order to be completed without selecting a package is disabled. This means a user must choose one of the packages to complete the order.
  • This campaign is setup so that the user will be transferred to Control Central - Account Info after the order is completed. This is a subjective decision as you could transfer the user to a variety of transactions. It's just that the Account Info page provides a nice confirmation of how the customer looks after the order has updated / created new information.