Understanding Measuring Component Sets

Measuring component sets are used to define the dimensions and criteria by which aggregation will be performed.

A measuring component set’s Measuring Component Type defines the Measuring Component and Measurement Type to be used in capturing aggregation results, as well as the aggregation functions that will be used on the source transnational data and the Data Source that will identify where that transnational data will be retrieved from.

Measuring component sets are associated with an Aggregation Group, which controls when and how aggregation is processed. This includes the sequence in which the aggregation group’s measuring component sets are processed, as well as the method by which aggregation processing is initiated for each (this information can be found in the General Processing section).

A measuring component set’s Measuring Component Set Class defines the way in which the measuring component set is used in the aggregation process. Measuring component set classes are based on the measuring component set’s business object, and can include:

  • Aggregation Foundation measuring component sets are used to aggregate transactional data, such as measurements from service points linked via usage subscriptions or billed service quantities.

  • Aggregation Composite measuring component sets are used to aggregate data from a set of other aggregations (which can be based on either foundation or other composite measuring component sets).

  • Adhoc measuring component sets are used to aggregate data based on an adhoc, user-defined set of measuring components.

See Foundation and Composite Aggregation in Dynamic Aggregation Processing for more information.

Dimensions, Criteria, and Individually Managed Items

The Dimensions and Criteria defined for the measuring component set are used by the dimension scanning process to identify individual aggregation measuring components that should be created. Measuring components are also created for each Individually Managed Item for which data matches the item’s configuration.

  • Dimensions identify the attributes by which data should be aggregated. Dimensions can include characteristics, identifiers, market participants, and values from specific tables and columns. For example, aggregating data by loss profile code, service point type and service provider would require defining dimensions for a Loss Profile Code characteristic, the Service Point Type column from the Service Point table, and the Service Provider column from the Device table.
  • Criteria define the ways in which the dimensions are evaluated through a series of inclusions, exclusions, or both. For example, to aggregate data for the “AGG-E-COM” and “AGG-E-RES” service point types, but NOT for devices from the “ELEC” service provider, criteria could be defined to include both of service point type values and exclude the “ELEC” service provider.
  • The criteria provided for Individually Managed Items is used to identify specific customers that should be aggregated in isolation from all other data that matches the Dimensions and Criteria defined for the measuring component set.

More specifically, the dimension scanning template SQL (derived from the data source) is extended by the Dimensions, Criteria, and Individually Managed Items configured on the measuring component set being processed.

Consult the embedded help for more information about the specific configuration options used by Dimensions, Criteria, and Individually Managed Items. The Source Type and Source Entity values are defined in the Aggregation Criteria Source Type (D1-CriteriaSourceTypeLookup) extendable lookup. Refer to Configuring Aggregation Criteria Source Types for more information about this extendable lookup.

The manner in which the criteria provided will be evaluated is defined in formulas configured in the Criteria Processing section. Consult the embedded help for more information about defining criteria processing formulas.