Premise Replicator - Main Information

You use this page to create many copies of a given premise and its service points.


The system warns you if you attempt to create. However, this is just a warning as you may want to generate similar premises and then update them with, for example, a unique apartment number on Premise - Main Information.

Use Menu > Customer Information > Premise Replicator to open this page.

Description of Page

Choose the Premise that serves as the template premise.


Recommendation. Carefully verify the template premise using the other pages in this page before you save the replicated premises. After you save the replicated premises, any corrections could prove time consuming.

The two sections at the top of the page determine the number of replica premises to be created and the address information that will be set up for each premise. The left section is used to define how the system will create the part of the address that is different for each replica premise. The right section defines the parts of the address that will be the same for each replica premise.

In the left section:

Use the Replicate option to control how the position of the replicated number in the first address line:

  • Choose Street Number if the replicated number should prefix the Base value in the first address line of the premise. For example, if you have a Start # of 1020 and a Base value of Main St and you choose the Street Number option, the first replicated premise will be 1020 Main St.
  • Choose Apartment Number if the replicated number should suffix the Base value in the first address line of the premise. For example, if you have a Start # of 1020 and a Base value of 101 Main St, Apt. and you choose the Apartment Number option, the first replicated premise will be 101 Main St, Apt. 1020 .

Indicate the Number Of Premises you wish to create.

Use Base to define the information that will appear at the end of the first address line on each of the replicated premises. Use Start # to define the number assigned to the first copy of the premise. Use Increment to define the value to increment successive numbers by. The first and last address lines to be created by the replicator are displayed below.

For example, if the first address you want to create is 101 Derby St, and the last address is 199 Derby and you want to do the odd numbered side of the street, you'd enter the following parameters:

Number of Premises would be 50

Address Suffix would be Derby St

Start From would be 101

Increment by would be 2

The right section displays the rest of the address information that will be copied onto each replicated premise. This information is defaulted from the template premise that you selected. The Address 1 field is not shown because you define the information to be entered there in the previous section, as explained above. The remaining fields, however, may be edited if so desired.

After entering the parameters, click the Replicate button to generate your new premises. You can use the sections at the bottom of the page to view the premises that will be created when you click save. The left section will show how Address Line 1 will look on the first 10 premises. If you are creating more than 10 premises, the right section will show how Address Line 1 will look on the last 10 premises. If everything looks clean, click save.