Configuring Rate Compare Usage Adjustment Profiles

This section describes the steps involved in setting up usage adjustment profiles for use with the Rate Compare feature in Oracle Utilities Customer Self- Service.

  1. Create a characteristic type and values for each type of usage adjustment to be made available for rate comparison purposes. For example, if you wanted to allow adjustments for installation of solar panels, use of an energy-efficient appliance, or use of an electric vehicle, you would create three characteristic types (one for each type of adjustment), and values for each option within each type (each type of appliance or electric vehicle supported).
  2. Create profile (stand-alone) measuring components that correspond to each characteristic type value.
  3. Create profile data for each measuring component. This is interval data that represents the impact of the usage adjustment on a customer's consumption.
  4. Create a profile factor for each usage adjustment type.
  5. Create factor values for each factor. These values correspond to the characteristic type value, and link characteristic type values to profile measuring components.
  6. Create one (or more) Profile Accumulation usage calculation rules that will apply the usage adjustment profile to the customer's interval consumption when calculating usage for the rate comparison request.
  7. Create entries in the Customer Rate Schedule extendable lookup to associate the usage calculation group that contains the "Profile Accumulation" usage calculation rule to a rate schedule.
  8. Create entries in the Usage Adjustment Types extendable lookup for each usage adjustment type.
  9. Set up the Rate Compare Configuration section of the MDM Self-Service Master Configuration to link usage adjustment factors and usage adjustment types to rate schedules Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing (defined in the Customer Rate Schedule extendable lookup).

Characteristic Types

Create a characteristic type and values for each type of usage adjustment you wish to make available to customer self-service users. For example, to create a usage adjustment profile for use of an electric vehicle, you would create an "electric vehicle" characteristic type and define values for each type of electric vehicle users can select.

Example Characteristic Type:

  • Characteristic Type: ELEC_​VEH
  • Description: Electric Vehicles
  • Type of Char Value: Predefined Value
  • Characteristic Values:

    Characteristic Value



    Nissan Leaf


    Tesla Model S


    Chevrolet Volt

Profile Measuring Components

Create profile measuring components for each characteristic type value. These measuring components will be used to store profile data for each type of usage adjustment.

Note: The base package does not include stand-alone measuring component/measuring component type business objects, but the demonstration database contains "Standalone Interval" and "Standalone Interval Measuring Component Type" business objects that can be used to create profile measuring components and types.

Example Profile Measuring Component Type:

  • Measuring Component Type: KWH-PROFILE
  • Description: KWH Profile
  • Measuring Component Business Object: Standalone Interval (demo)
  • Measurement Business Object: Measurement
  • Service Type: Electric
  • Allow Negative Consumption: Allowed
  • Consumptive / Subtractive: Consumptive
  • Seconds Per Interval: 01:00:00
  • Value Identifiers:
  • Value Identifier Type: Measurement
  • Short-Hand Description: kWh
  • UOM: Kilowatt-Hours

Example "Nissan Leaf" Profile Measuring Component:

  • Measuring Component Type: KWH Profile
  • Number of Digits Left: 5
  • Number of Digits Right: 5
  • Time Zone: US Pacific Time
  • Status: Active
  • How To Use: Additive
  • External ID: Nissan Leaf

Example "Tesla Model S" Profile Measuring Component:

  • Measuring Component Type: KWH Profile
  • Number of Digits Left: 5
  • Number of Digits Right: 5
  • Time Zone: US Pacific Time
  • Status: Active
  • How To Use: Additive
  • External ID: Tesla Model S

Example "Chevrolet Volt" Profile Measuring Component:

  • Measuring Component Type: KWH Profile
  • Number of Digits Left: 5
  • Number of Digits Right: 5
  • Time Zone: US Pacific Time
  • Status: Active
  • How To Use: Additive
  • External ID: Chevrolet Volt

Profile Data

Create profile data for each profile measuring component. This data represents the impact of the usage adjustment on a customer's consumption.

Note that this profile data can (and often will) include negative interval values to represent the difference in consumption applicable for the usage adjustment type. For example, if an energy- efficient electric clothes dryer uses an average of 30 kilowatt hours less per month than an average electric clothes dryer, profile data for that appliance might be a "straight line" hourly profile (a profile in which all intervals are of the same value) in which each value equals "0.042" (30 kWh per month divided by an average of 720 hours per month).

Factors / Factor Values

Create a profile factor for each usage adjustment type. This factor should use the "Factor Characteristic Source N/A Algorithm" to derive the appropriate characteristic type value based on the factor value, and should reference the characteristic type created earlier.

Example Electric Vehicle Factor:

  • Description: Electric Vehicle
  • Factor Class: Profile
  • Characteristic Source Algorithm: Factor Characteristic Source N/A Algorithm
  • Factor Characteristic Type: Electric Vehicle

Example "Nissan Leaf" Factor Value

  • Factor: Electric Vehicle
  • Factor Characteristic Type: Electric Vehicle
  • Factor Characteristic Value: LEAF
  • Effective Date/Time: 01-01-2014 12:00:00AM
  • Profile: Nissan Leaf, KWH Profile

Example "Tesla Model S" Factor Value

  • Factor: Electric Vehicle
  • Factor Characteristic Type: Electric Vehicle
  • Factor Characteristic Value: LEAF
  • Effective Date/Time: 01-01-2014 12:00:00AM
  • Profile: Tesla Model S, KWH - 60 Minutes

Example "Chevrolet Volt" Factor Value

  • Factor: Electric Vehicle
  • Factor Characteristic Type: Electric Vehicle
  • Factor Characteristic Value: LEAF
  • Effective Date/Time: 01-01-2014 12:00:00AM
  • Profile: Chevrolet Volt / KWH - 60 Minutes

Profile Accumulation Usage Calculation Group and Rule

Create a usage calculation group that contains a "Profile Accumulation" usage calculation rule. This rule will calculate usage by accumulating historical usage with profile data. based on a selected profile factor value.

Note: Profile Accumulation rules should use eligibility criteria to ensure they are only executed when the "Calculation Mode" on the usage transaction is set to "Hypothetical Calculation" (D2HC).

Example: Profile Accumulation Usage Calculation Rule

  • Usage Calculation Group: Electric Residential Interval KWH
  • Usage Calculation Rule: KWH_​PROFILE_​ACCUMULATION
  • Sequence: 10
  • Description: KWH Profile Accumulation
  • Category: Usage Calculation
  • Vector Source Configuration:
  • Vector Type: Channels Linked to Usage Subscription
  • Unit of Measure: Kilowatt-Hours
  • Time of Use:
  • Service Quantity Identifier:
  • Target SPI: 01:00:00
  • Result Processing Configuration:
  • Apply TOU Map to Derived Vector: Yes
  • TOU Map: Summer / Winter, 15 minute interval
  • Result Storage Configuration:
  • Insert Primary SQ Entry: Yes
  • Save Derived Vector: No
  • Service Quantity Identifier:
  • Extract Interval Data: No

Customer Rate Schedule Extendable Lookup

Create an entry in the "Customer Rate Schedule" extendable lookup to associate the usage calculation group that contains the "Profile Accumulation" usage calculation rule to an applicable rate schedule in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing.

Example Customer Rate Schedule extendable lookup:

  • Rate: E-INT-RES
  • Description: Electric Residential Interval Rate
  • Default Usage Calculation Group: Electric Residential Interval KWH (E-INT-RES)

Usage Adjustment Types Extendable Lookup

Create an entry in the "Usage Adjustment Type" extendable lookup for each type of usage adjustment that will be available to customer self-service users. These entries are used in the Rate Compare Configuration section of the Self-Service Master Configuration (see below).

Example Electric Vehicle entry:

  • Usage Adjustment Type: ELEC_​VEHICLE
  • Description: Purchase of Electric Vehicle
  • Override Description: Purchase of Electric Vehicle
  • External Reference ID: Purchase of Electric Vehicle

MDM Self-Service Master Configuration - Rate Compare Configuration

Configure the "Rate Compare Configuration" section of the MDM Self-Service Master Configuration to associate usage adjustment factors and usage adjustment types with an applicable rate schedule in Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing (defined in the Customer Rate Schedule extendable lookup).

Example MDM Self-Service Master Configuration:

  • Factor Characteristic Type Indicating No Value Variation: N/A
  • External Reference Factor Value Characteristic Type: External Reference ID
  • Minimum Days of Usage Adjustment Data: 2
  • Rate / Usage Adjustments:
  • Rate: Electric Residential - Interval KWH
  • Usage Adjustments:
  • Usage Adjustment Factor: Electric Vehicle
  • Usage Adjustment Type: Purchase of Electric Vehicle