Billable Charge Read Details Upload Staging Layout
You must create a billable charge read details upload record for each read detail to be uploaded. The name of this table is CI_BCHG_UP_READ. The following table describes each column on this table. Refer to "pass through" charges for more information about how this type of information is used.
Column Name |
Length |
Req'd |
Data Type |
Comments |
30 |
Y |
Char |
This is the foreign key to the billable charge upload staging record. |
10 |
Y |
Char |
Note, if USAGE_FLG is calculation, you can set this field to 0 if you do not know the SP ID. The only thing that's important is that the combination of BCHG_UP_ID, SP_ID and SEQNO are unique. |
5 |
Y |
Number |
This should be a value greater than zero. See SP_ID comment for more information. This is typically the sequence number of the register on the meter. |
26 |
Y |
DateTime |
This is the date and time of the end read |
12 |
N |
Char |
This field must reference an existing register read ID if USAGE_FLG is anything other than a calculation. |
9.6 |
Y |
Number |
This is the reading of the end read. |
12.6 |
Y |
Number |
This is the final amount of the reading (this is the amount of billable consumption the read detail contributed to the entire billed consumption). |
8 |
N |
Char |
The service quantity identifier of the FINAL_REG_QTY. If specified, it must reference a valid value on CI_SQI. Note, at least one of the following fields should be specified: FINAL_SQI, FINAL_UOM_CD. |
8 |
N |
Char |
The time-of-use code of the FINAL_REG_QTY. If specified, it must reference a valid value on CI_TOU. |
4 |
N |
Char |
The unit of measure of the FINAL_REG_QTY. If specified, it must reference a valid value on CI_UOM. Note, at least one of the following fields should be specified: FINAL_SQI, FINAL_UOM_CD. |
2 |
Y |
Char |
See the field description in the data dictionary for the valid values (CI_BCHG_UP_READ). |
1 |
Y |
Char |
Y or N |
12.6 |
Y |
Number |
This is the difference between END_REG_READING and START_REG_READING for subtractive registers. |
6.6 |
Y |
Number |
This is the register's constant (the value used to adjust the measured quantity due to something associated with the physical meter). Set this to a value of 1 if it is not known. |
30 |
N |
Varchar |
The service quantity identifier of END_REG_READING and START_REG_READING. If specified, it must reference a valid value on CI_SQI. Note, at least one of the following fields should be specified: SQI_CD, TOU_CD, UOM_CD. |
26 |
Y |
DateTime |
This is the date and time of the start reading. |
12 |
Y |
Char |
This field must reference an existing register read ID if USAGE_FLG is anything other than a calculation. |
9.6 |
Y |
Number |
This is the reading of the start read. |
30 |
N |
Char |
The time-of-use code of END_REG_READING and START_REG_READING. If specified, it must reference a valid value on CI_TOU. |
30 |
Y |
Char |
The unit of measure of END_REG_READING and START_REG_READING. |
2 |
Y |
Char |
See the field description in the data dictionary for the valid values (CI_BCHG_UP_READ). |
3 |
Y |
Number |
This is the percentage of the consumption that was billed (this will typically be 100). |