Accessing a Customer's Widgets

Customer Service Representatives with the proper permissions can access a centralized widget gallery to view all embedded Digital Self Service - Energy Management widgets associated with a customer. You can then see and interact with a widget just as a customer would, and more effectively troubleshoot and answer questions.

Note: The widget gallery is only available for utilities that have embedded widgets as part of the Digital Self Service - Energy Management Cloud Service.

To access a customer's widgets:

  1. Sign in to the Customer Service Interface.
  2. Find and open the customer's account.
  3. On the customer's account page, in the Actions area, click Widget Gallery. A new tab in your web browser opens.
  4. In the Permissions Confirmation area, click Proceed.
  5. Use the navigation to locate the widget you want to view. Depending on your setup configuration, widgets are organized by a single alphabetical list or by page and then widget.

Note: If you and the customer are viewing a widget at the same time, any changes made are preserved for the last person that completes their updates.