Daily Versus Weekly Schedules

A weekly shift is a weekly schedule plan containing a collection of daily shifts. A daily shift is the plan for a single shift on a specific day.

Please note the following with respect to shifts:

  • Weekly shifts are referred to as “schedule plans” in the system since the plan can come in any multiple of weeks.

  • A weekly shift’s capacities, service areas, and service classes are derived from its set of daily shifts.

  • A weekly shift specifies a type, as does a daily shift

  • A weekly shift specifies a crew name, as does a daily shift

  • Both a weekly shift and daily shift can be scheduled

  • A weekly shift does not specify employees, as daily shift does (instead, it has a collection of daily shifts)

  • A weekly shift does not specify a template, as a daily shift does

  • A weekly shift can have many daily shifts attached to it - just like a week has many weekdays

  • A daily shift can only specify one weekly shift - just like a specific day belongs to just one week