The Scheduling Process

The goal of the scheduling process is to produce the most effective schedule based on the activity’s labor requirements.

The system considers the following during the scheduling process:

  • Weekly and daily shift templates which are used to generate shifts into the future. Shift scheduling also takes into consideration work calendars and holidays.

  • Capacities of a shift which is the sum of all the available principle and secondary crafts and their respective number of hours.

  • Schedule Priority which determines when the principal craft time should be used for making assignments to a secondary craft.

How is the work scheduled?

  • Once an activity is created with labor requirements, Planners or other authorized users can schedule work by navigating to either the Schedule tab on the crew shift or to the Scheduling portal. In either case, once the crew shift is identified, search for the activity to be scheduled, check the appropriate shifts and click Apply. A dialogue prompts for the scheduled hours for each labor requirement on the activity.

  • Planners can review the shift assignment in the Scheduling Details section on the activity. There are also multiple other ways to search for labor active work such as by activity, by work order, by location, by crew, and so on.

  • Using the Schedule portal, planners can pull already scheduled work from another shift. For example, the search can be used to transfer assigned work from a weekly shift to a daily shift. Furthermore, the Previously Scheduled Unfinished Work zone displays work already assigned to the crew shift being scheduled.

  • Each of these various details and views can be used according to your business practice to create the most efficient scheduling process for your organization.

  • In addition, when a shift is completed, all unfinished activities assigned to the shift are copied to the next open shift for the crew. A dialog prompts the user for details on expected duration left to complete the work.