
The following table provides examples of the types of roles you may need to create in order to support your approval hierarchy:

Admin Object Example of Data to Create
To Do Types
These default types are delivered with the base package with the ToDo Type Usage set to Automatic:
  • Approval Type — Employee Unavailability
  • Approval Type — ODC
  • Approval Type — Project
  • Approval Type — Purchase Order
  • Approval Type — Purchase Requisition
  • Approval Type — Timesheet
  • Approval Type — Work Order
  • Approval Type — Work Request
To Do Role
  • General Approver
  • General Director
  • General Manager
  • General Notification Only Approver
  • General Supervisor
  • General Work Management Supervisor
  • General Work Management Manager
  • General Purchasing Manager
  • General Purchasing Supervisor
User Groups
  • Authorized for No Approval
Approval Profiles
  • Approval Amount
    • General Purchasing Approver
    • High Value Purchasing Approver
    • General Work Request Approver
    • General Work Order Approver
    • High Value Work Order Approver
    • Project Approver
    • Other Direct Charges Approver
  • No Approval
    • Emergency Work Approval
  • No Amount
    • Employee Unavailability Approver
    • Timesheet Approver

Using a scenario of a moderate structure with a separate approval profile for each document type, refer to the following table for an example of the hierarchy:

Seq To Do Role Approval Type Initial Notification Method Amount Limit Time Out Threshold Maximum Retry
10 Supervisor Standard To Do List Only $1000 2 (days) 1 (retry)
20 General Manager Mandatory Both (email and To Do List) $5000 2 (days) 2 (retries)

This example establishes a hierarchy where the first role to receive the approval request is at the supervisor level with a minimal approval limit. This supervisor would approve the request only to inform the general manager that they approve, but since the General Manager has been set with a mandatory approval type, the General Manager must approve the request for the processing to be considered complete.