Understanding Program Types

Program types define properties belonging to a class of program. 

Program types are defined by the following:

  • Program Business Object: The business object used when creating programs of this type.

  • Program Event Business Object: The business object used when creating program events for programs of this type.

  • Event Participation: The business object used when creating event participation records for programs of this type.

  • Dynamic Option Class: The class of program to which programs of this type belong.

  • Time Zone: The time zone associated with programs of this type.

  • Program Category: The category (control group, device control, critical peak pricing, and so on) in which programs of this type belong.

  • Device Required: Flag that indicates (Yes or No) if programs of this type require controllable devices.

System Data

Program types are based on the system data:

Data Type


Maintenance Object

Dynamic Option Type (D1-DOPTYPE)

Business Object(s)

Program Type (X1-ProgramType)