Draft and Original Templates

If you attempt to add, delete, or modify a shift template for a shift plan template that has been applied (or activated for common templates), the system automatically creates a draft copy of the entire shift plan template. This allows you to make your changes to the draft and preview the shifts that would be generated if you accepted the draft.

You can also see if any manual edits were made to previously generated shifts. By default, such overrides are lost when the shift template that generated them is changed when a draft is accepted. You may explicitly request to retained overrides when making the shift template change.

If you have reviewed this information and are sure you want to make the proposed changes, you may accept the draft. Otherwise, you may delete the draft copy to discard the proposed changes.

When a draft template is accepted, the original template is updated to match the draft.

  • If a shift template was changed, future shifts generated by this template are regenerated to match the changed template.
  • If a shift template was deleted by the draft, the corresponding original template is also deleted if not yet used to generate shifts, otherwise it is marked inactive. Future shifts generated by this template are deleted.
  • New shifts are generated for any shift templates that were added by the draft.

By default, changes made to a shift template impacts all future planned but not yet closed shifts generated by it, including overridden templates.

Note: If the original shift plan template is a crew specific template, changes are reapplied to future shifts right away when you accept the draft. If the original template is a common template, the impact is delayed to the next time the shift generation batch process runs.

Once a draft has been accepted, any further changes made to the original template will result in a new draft being created.