About Service History

Service history is information regarding some type of service or maintenance performed on an asset. Information typically associated with service history include record inspection feedback, pass/fail details, downtime, parts failure information, maintenance or service logs, or other information regarding service on the asset.

Service history can create follow-up actions, such as work orders or work activities, when work for an originating issue needs to be monitored. An example of follow-up activities to an originating gas leak call might be to monitor, repair, and to verify repairs were made. Service history can also create follow-up actions to stop or cancel follow-up activities once the problem has been fixed or the severity level has changed.

Service history can be created as part of the work activity completion process to indicate the types of actions or services performed during the completion of the activity. The location (either asset location, work location, or both) is derived from the Asset record or from the Activity record and defaulted to the Service History record upon creation. If you do not want the asset or location information defaulted when the service history record creates, deactivate the "Default Location from Asset or Activity on Service History (W1-DEFLOCASH)" algorithm.

To de-activate the algorithm:
  1. Go to General Service History (W1-ServiceHistoryWam) BO.
  2. In the Options tab, click Edit and then click Add icon to add a new Option Type.
    • Option Type: Inactive Algorithm
    • Sequence: 10
    • Option Value: W1-DEFLOCASH
  3. Save the BO.
  4. Repeat steps 2-3 for Questionnaire Service History (W1-QuestionnaireSvcHist) BO.