
Single Sign-On: Oracle Utilities supports OpenID Connect-based single sign-on (SSO) for embedded widgets. Your Delivery Team will work with you to set it up.

Warning: Due to an updated handling of third-party cookies by the Safari browser, which is the native browser for iOS devices, SAML has been deprecated as an SSO integration method for embedded deployments of Digital Self Service - Energy Management widgets. Utilities that currently use SAML can work around the issue by asking users to enable cross-site tracking. Oracle Utilities also strongly recommends that utilities migrate to OpenID Connect since SAML is no longer technically supported. Contact your Delivery Team if you have any questions or need guidance on this change. Standalone deployments of Digital Self Service - Energy Management can still use SAML-based SSO. For more information on configuring SSO, see the Oracle Utilities Opower SSO Configuration Guide.

Embedding Multiple Widgets: For Oracle Utilities Opower products that consist of multiple widgets, you must complete the embedding process for each embeddable component. For more information, see Guidelines for Embedding Widgets and Embedding a Widget Using Web Components.

Query Parameters: Widgets can add query parameters to the URL of the pages on which they are embedded. For example, the Ways to Save widgets pass relevant tip information in the query parameters when customers interact with the widgets. Ensure that your infrastructure does not block or remove these widget-specific query parameters. Query string parameters are automatically detected and passed to the embedded widgets, which means the parameters do not need to be passed in the embedded script tag.

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