Solar Savings Insight

The Solar Savings Insight is designed to provide a simplified view of how much money a customer has saved on their electricity bill since becoming a solar customer. It is displayed beneath the Data Browser for solar customers who have already seen the Solar Welcome Experience.

Embedding Guidelines

Widget Name: widget-solar-savings

  • The Solar Savings widget is designed to be embedded beneath the Data Browser. It takes up the same width as the Data Browser and will push down any content that is located beneath it.
  • It is recommended that you pair the Solar Savings widget with the version of the Solar Welcome Experience - How Solar Works widget that appears beneath the Data Browser. If you do this, make sure that Solar Savings appears above Solar Welcome Experience - How Solar Works, since it is a natural transition for customers to view their solar savings insights followed by an explanation of those insights.
  • The Solar Savings widget is often paired with the Green Button widget below the Data Browser. It is recommended that you embed the Solar Savings widget to appear above the Green Button widget.

For more information about the Solar Savings Insight, including details about its data requirements and the overall user experience, see the Solar Savings Insight description in the Distributed Energy Resources Customer Engagement Cloud Service Overview.