
The Announcement module states the intent of the report. It includes text and an image that either welcomes customers to their new report experience or acknowledges a change to the customer's program.

Appears in: Welcome and Announcement Report, Limited Income Report,

Welcome and Announcement Report

Welcome Report

Image of a welcome report

Heading: A heading that welcomes the customer to the Home Energy Report.

Announcement: The announcement introduces customers to their new report experience. It explains that the reports are designed to help them make informed decisions that can help them save. The announcement varies depending on whether the customer is new to reports or if they are a legacy customer who is new to the v3 report experience. See Announcement for more information.

Image: The illustration supports the welcome message.

Announcement Report

Image of Announcement module customized for an Announcement Report

Heading: A custom heading that highlights the change.

Announcement: Custom body text that highlights a change to the customer's program experience. For example, a change to the customer's energy circumstances.

Image: An image that compliments the custom utility announcement

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Time of Use Welcome Report - New Customer

Image of announcement module time of use welcome report for a new customer

Heading: A heading that welcomes the customer to the Home Energy Report.

Announcement: The announcement explains to the customer that the reports are designed to help them save energy and personalized for their Time of Use plan.

Image: An image that compliments the custom utility announcement

Time of Use Welcome Report - Legacy Customer

Image of a Time of Use Welcome Report for a Legacy Customer

Heading: A heading that alerts the customer to a change in their Home Energy Report.

Announcement: The announcement reemphasizes the purpose of the report and that their report insights are personalized to account for their Time of Use plan.

Image: An image that compliments the custom utility announcement.

Limited Income Welcome Report- New Customer

Image of limited income welcome report for new customers

Heading: A heading that welcomes the customer to the Home Energy Report.

Announcement: The announcement explains to the customer that the reports are designed to help them save energy and money.

Image: An image that compliments the custom utility announcement

Limited Income Welcome Report- Legacy Customer

Image of limited income welcome report for a legacy customer

Heading: A heading that alerts the customer to a change in their Home Energy Report.

Announcement: The announcement reemphasizes the purpose of the report and that their report insights are personalized to help them save energy and money.

Image: An image that compliments the custom utility announcement.