Disaggregation Main Insight

The Disaggregation Main Insight module uses personalized information about an end use in the customer's home to motivated them to take advantage of a utility promotion. The goal of this module is to help customers understand their use in a specific end-use category where they are using more than the regional average so that they may feel motivated to uptake the promotion and subsequently reduce their energy use in that end-use category. The module can be used to promote the customer's largest end use category, or the utility may select a preferred end use category to reinforce the report promotion. Oracle Utilities Opower works closely with the utility to create marketing modules that enhance the report experience.

Appears in: Promotion Report

This image shows an example of the Disaggregation Main Insight module.

Image of the Disaggregation Main Insight module

  • Heading: The heading draws the customer's attention to the promotion topic and prepares them to learn about the insight.
  • Date Range: This is dynamic based on the billing period.
  • Spent Last Year: The total amount of cost the customer incurred on the promotion topic in the last year.
  • Total Energy Use: The percent of their total energy usage or cost.
  • Promotion Text: A description of the promotion that the disaggregation insight highlights.
  • Explainer:: The explainer states how the information was calculated and why the customer was selected to receive this promotion.

Requirements and Limitations

Fuel: Electric-only, gas-only, dual fuel

Data Required: Appliance detection and disaggregation, heating and cooling disaggregation and/or simple disaggregation with Home Energy Analysis completion

Data History: A minimum of one historical bill

Billing Frequency: Monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly

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