Disaggregation Main Insight

The Disaggregation Main Insight module uses personalized information about an end use in the customer's home to motivated them to take advantage of a utility promotion. The goal of this module is to help customers understand their use in a specific end-use category where they are using more than the regional average so that they may feel motivated to uptake the promotion and subsequently reduce their energy use in that end-use category. The module can be used to promote the customer's largest end use category, or the utility may select a preferred end use category to reinforce the report promotion. Oracle Utilities Opower works closely with the utility to create marketing modules that enhance the report experience.

Appears in: Promotion Report


This image shows an example of the Disaggregation Main Insight module's design.

Image of Disaggregation Main Insight module's design

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Configuration Options

For each element listed in the table, indicate the desired configuration in the Input Value column. If you do not provide an input for optional configurations, the default will be used.

Configuration Option Input Value


The disclaimer explains to the customer why the customer is receiving the report.


"You were selected to receive this report because you may be using more than the regional average for this energy use category. Numbers are approximate."


Choose one of the following:

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User Experience Variations

The user experience varies for customers depending on their energy use, service types, available data, costs, locale, and if the utility elects to promote an end use that is not the customer's largest end use category.

Utility Preferred End Use

If the utility decides to promote an end use that is not the customers largest end use category, the header introduces the category more generically as a place to save without saying where it ranks in their overall use.

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