Promotion Report

The Promotion Report offers customers personalized insights about specific end-uses in their home in order to motivate them to take advantage of a utility-offered promotion. This report type leverages Oracle Utilities Opower disaggregation capabilities to facilitate customer adoption of more efficient devices, appliances, and deep home retrofits.

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Utility Requirements



Required Cloud Service

Energy Efficiency Cloud Service


No limitations. Customers will receive the Promotion Report Type if they meet the following requirements:

  • Appliance detection and disaggregation, heating & cooling disaggregation or simple disaggregation with Home Energy Analysis completion for that end use.

  • Confirmed presence of the end use through presence discovery or Home Energy Analysis completion.
  • Use more than the regional average for the utility selected end use.

Customer Requirements



Billing Frequency

Monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly.

Data Delivery Frequency

Daily, monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly. See module-specific requirements.

Data Requirements

  • Hourly AMI data and insights.
  • Electric vehicle confirmation.

Contact your Delivery Team for more information.

Data History

See module-specific requirements.

Data Coverage

See module-specific requirements.

Supported Fuels

Electric-only and dual fuel

Image of Promotion report module

The Promotion Report experience is determined by the report state and promotion type selected by the utility. Oracle Utilities Opower works with the utility to select the promotion they wish to run based on available disaggregation insights. Possible report states include:

Customer’s Top End Use Category: The utility selects the end use category to focus on for the main insight and promotion for the front of the report. In this case, the selected end use is the customer’s largest end use. The end use categories on the back are the customer’s second and third largest end uses.

Utility-Preferred End Use Category: The utility selects the end use category to focus on for the main insight and promotion for the front of the report. This is not the customer’s largest end use. Instead, the categories on the back are the customer’s top end uses excluding the promotion end use.

Heating and Cooling Combined - Top Use Category: Heating and cooling categories are combined and are the focus of the main insight and promotion on the front of the report. These end uses are the customer’s largest end uses for last year. Heating and cooling are again shown individually on the back of the report.

Heating and Cooling Combined – Utility Preferred: Heating and cooling categories are combined and are the focus of the main insight and promotion on the front of the report. These end uses are not the customer’s largest end uses for the last year. Heating and cooling are again shown individually on the back of the report.

The front of the report includes the following modules: Header, Promotion Introduction, Dissagregation Main Insight, Promotion, and Page Turn. The back of the report includes tips, a marketing module, and Utility Info.

Promotion Report Modules

The Promotion Report type is built with a predefined mix of dynamic and static modules carefully crafted to tell customers a personalized story about their energy use, and to promote specific offerings and tips for them to act upon. Go to the individual module page for more details about the user experience.

The following modules are included on the front of the report:

The following modules are included on the back of the report:

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