Program Promotion Module

The Promotion module enables the utility to promote a program of their choice that is related to the available disaggregation categories: heating, cooling, water heating, appliances, lighting, and fridge. The module is designed to help the customer evaluate whether the effort of taking action is worth the potential savings. Oracle Utilities Opower works directly with the utility to design the promotion module on the front of the report to be specific to the report promotion.

Appears in: Promotion Report


This image shows an example of the Promotion module design for a hot water heater.

Image of Promotion module design for  a hot water heater

Configuration Options

Oracle Utilities Opower works directly with the utility to design the promotion module on the front of the report to be specific to the utility's promotional goals. The module elements are configurable. Contact your Delivery Team about customizing the copy.

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User Experience Variations

The user experience varies for customers depending on their energy use, service types, available data, costs, locale, and if the utility elects to promote an energy use category that is not the customer's largest category. Note that the list below does not include all possible variations.

Heating and Cooling Combined Smart Thermostat

The heating and cooling combined smart thermostat promotion includes feel-good or community type messaging focused on the personal benefits of acting. For example, the promotion may talk about how installing a smart thermostat is a great way to manage heating and cooling use without giving up comfort, and how to set thermostat schedules from a smart phone. It may also include messaging about the dollar savings a customer can realize, and how their thermostat energy savings can equate to an impact on greenhouse emissions.

Heating-only Smart Thermostat

The heating-only smart thermostat promotion module includes feel-good or community type messaging. Its content is similar to the combined thermostat promotion describe above, but with a focus on the winter season.

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