Tip Modules

Tip modules present actionable energy savings tips for customers to follow. Tip module designs vary by report type as well as available customer and utility data.

On this page:


Utility Requirements



Required Cloud Service

Energy Efficiency Cloud Service


There is no limit on the number of customers per utility.

Customer Requirements



Billing Frequency

Not applicable

Data Delivery Frequency

Not applicable

Data Requirements

AMI data, Appliance Detection and Disaggregation data.

Data History

Not applicable

Data Coverage

Not applicable

Supported Fuels

Electric-only, gas-only, and dual fuel.

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  • Promotion Tips: The Promotion Tips module is only is offered as part of the Promotion Report. See Promotion Report for report requirements.

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User Experience

This section describes the user experience for tips in the different report types.

Progress Report Tips

Appears in:Progress Report

The Progress Report includes a single tip module on the back of the report which highlights personalized aspects of the tip experience.

This image shows an example of the progress report tip design.

Image of progress report tip design

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Promotion Report Tips

Appears in:Promotion Report

The back of the Promotion report includes two tip modules. The tips use disaggregation or Home Energy Analysis data to provide customers with low or no-cost actions.

This image shows an example of the promotion report tip design.

Image of an example of the promotion report tip design

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Welcome Report Tips

Appears in:Time of Use Welcome and Announcement Report, Limited Income Welcome Report, Solar Welcome Report

The Welcome tip module includes two tips that highlight the personalized aspects of the tip experience.

This image shows an example of the welcome and announcement report tip design.

Image of welcome and announcement report tip design

Seasonal Report Tips

Appears in: Seasonal Report

The Seasonal Report includes two seasonally relevant tips designed to help them lower their energy use, and encourages them to view more energy saving tips on the web. The first tip module focuses on how the customer can save on cooling during the summer season. The second tip helps them save on another targeted end use.

This image shows an example of the Seasonal Report tip design.

Image of Seasonal Report tip design

Solar Progress Report Tips

Appears in: Solar Report

The Solar Progress Report tip presents a single tip module on the back of the report which highlights personalized aspects of the tip experience .

The welcome version of the Solar Report includes a welcome report tip. See Welcome Report Tips for more information.

The following image is an example of the Solar Tip design for a Solar Progress Report.

Image of  solar tip design for a Solar Progress Report

Time of Use Report Tips

The Time of Use Report includes three rotating tip modules that highlight personalized aspects of the tip experience that can help customers on time of use plans save energy and money.

Disaggregation Tip Module

Appears in:Time of Use Report

The Disaggregation and Tip module highlights the customer’s highest electricity end-use category and provides a single tip related to that end-use. The tip shown is determined by the customer's top energy use category.

The following image is an example of the Disaggregation tip for a cooling top category.

Image of Disaggregation tip for a cooling top category

Large Appliance Tip Module

Appears in:Time of Use Report

The Large Appliance Tip module highlights four large appliances that typically consume a lot of electricity when run, and provides a link to where to customers can learn more about saving energy. The module is designed to help educate customers on time of use rate plans about the types of appliances that they should try to avoid during peak hours when electricity is highest in demand. The module has two, season-specific states:

  • Hot weather: The hot weather state includes the spring and summer seasons.
  • Cold weather: The cold weather state includes the fall and winter seasons.

These images are examples of the Large Appliance Tip design for the hot and cold weather seasons.

Hot Weather Cold Weather
Image of Large Appliance Tip design for Hot Weather Image of Large Appliance Tip design for Cold Weather

Two Tip Module

Appears in:Time of Use Report

The Two Tip module provides the customer with a peak-savings tip and an anytime-savings tip The peak-saving tip is identified as such so that the customer knows when to act on that tip. The general energy-efficiency tip can be in any end use category.

This image shows an example of the Two Tip design.

Image of Two Tip design

User Experience Variations

The user experience of the feature may vary for customers and utilities depending on their service types (gas, electricity, dual fuel, and so on), available data, costs, locale, and other factors. For more information, see Introduction Modules description in the Energy Efficiency Cloud Services Overview Guide and go to the User Experience Variations section.

Configuration Options

The content within the progress report tip is customizable in coordination with Oracle UtilitiesOpower. Depending on the purpose of the module, Oracle UtilitiesOpower may require additional inputs from you. Contact your Delivery Team about selecting tips that support the report experience.