Three-Bar Neighbor Comparison

The Three-bar Neighbor Comparison is designed to motivate customers to save energy based on how they see themselves in relation to their neighbors. It compares the customer (“You”) to two groups: Efficient Homes” and “Similar Homes.” The results are displayed in a horizontal bar graph. An insight statement on the right indicates whether the customer falls in one of three states:

  • Great
  • Good
  • Fair

A brief message indicates how the customer compares to efficient homes in the area. An informational section below the bar graph explains that "Efficient Homes" represent the 20% of similar homes in the customer's comparison group that used the least amount of energy in the billing period and provides information about how the graph works.

The neighbor comparison in Digital Self Service - Energy Management mirrors the customer's report experience. For example, a customer that receives the Efficiency Zone in their report will also see an Efficiency Zone in Digital Self Service - Energy Management. For more information about the web version of the neighbor comparison, see Digital Self Service Energy Management Neighbor Comparison.

Appears in: Progress Report, Welcome and Announcement Report, Limited Income Report, Time of Use Report, Solar Report, Electric Vehicle Report

Note: For most report types, utilities have the option of including either the Three-Bar Neighbor Comparison module or Efficiency Zone in their report.

On this page:


Utility Requirements



Required Cloud Service

Energy Efficiency Cloud Service


Less than 100,000 per week

Customer Requirements



Billing Frequency

Monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly.

Data Delivery Frequency

Monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly

Data Requirements

Billing data and third-party data (GIS and parcel data).

Data History

A minimum of one historical bill.

Data Coverage

Not applicable. Billing level data is used.

Supported Fuels

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  • Neighbor Selection: A minimum number of neighbors (the default target is 100) must be selected for the customer. See Neighbor Selection - Detailed for more information.
  • Home Energy Reports vs. Web: HER v3 customers receive an Efficiency Zone user variation in the web product which differs slightly from the Efficiency Zone in the reports. See the Neighbor Comparison section of the Oracle Utilities Opower Digital Self Service - Energy Management Cloud Service Product Overview for more information.
  • Third-Party Data: Third-party data (GIS and parcel data) is needed to identify neighbors for the neighbor selection process.

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User Experience

This section describes the user experience for each report type.

Three-Bar Neighbor Comparison

This image is an example of the most common version of the Three-Bar Neighbor Comparison as it appears in the Progress Report, Welcome and Announcement Report, Limited Income Report, and Time of Use Report.

This image is an example of the most common version of the Three-Bar Neighbor Comparison as it appears in the Progress Report, Welcome and Announcement Report, Limited Income Report, and Time of Use Report

Solar Three-Bar Neighbor Comparison

Note: In the Solar Report, ‘energy use’ is replaced with ‘net energy’ to capture both use and production.

This image is an example of the Solar Three-Bar Neighbor Comparison that appears in the Solar Report.

Image of  an example of the Solar Three-Bar Neighbor Comparison that appears in the Solar Report

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Electric Vehicle Three-Bar Neighbor Comparison

This image is an example of the Electric Vehicle Three-Bar Neighbor Comparison that appears in the Electric Vehicle Report for an electric vehicle customer with a good comparison state and similar homes language.

Image of an Electric Vehicle Three-Bar Neighbor Comparison that appears in the Electric Vehicle Report

User Experience Variations

The user experience of the feature may vary for customers and utilities depending on their service types (gas, electricity, dual fuel, and so on), available data, costs, locale, and other factors. For more information, see the Three-bar Neighbor Comparison description in the Energy Efficiency Cloud Services Overview Guide and go to the User Experience Variations section.

Configuration Options

For each element listed in the table, indicate the desired configuration in the Input Value column. If you do not provide an input for optional configurations, the default will be used.

Configuration Option Input Value

Primary and Secondary Colors

Default: Based on utility branding guidelines


Choose one of the following:

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