Standard Data Fields
Field Name (FIELD_​NAME)
A lookup field name must have a corresponding field meta data. The name of the lookup field column must be assigned to avoid conflicts among different products. If you follow the standard of database field name, a Customer Modification lookup field name will be automatically Customer Modification prefixed.
Field Value (FIELD_​VALUE)
If a lookup field is customizable, Customer Modification can insert new lookup values. X or Y must prefix when implementers introduce a new lookup value.
Product development can extend the Oracle Utilities Application Framework owned lookup field's value with caution. When it needs to be extended, prefix the first letter of the Owner Flag to the value. For example, when adding a new value to the algorithm entity flag (ALG_​ENTITY_​FLG), prefix with B1 if you are developing a Oracle Utilities Business Intelligence product.
Customer Modification
Override Description (DESCR_​OVRD)
A new Feature option is defined through adding a value to EXT_​SYS_​TYP_​FLG. The field value for this look up field must be prefixed by the Owner flag value.