Standard Data Fields
Message Category (MESSAGE_​CAT_​NBR)
Messages are grouped in categories and each category has message numbers between 1 and 99999. A range of message categories is assigned to a product. You must use only the assigned category for your product.
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing and Oracle Utilities Business Intelligence - 00001 thru 00100
Oracle Utilities Application Framework Java - 11001 thru 11100
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Java - 11101 thru 11200
Oracle Utilities Business Intelligence Java - 11201 thru 11300
Implementer Legacy - 90000
Implementer WSS - 90001
Implementer Java - 90002
Reserved for Tests - 99999
Message Number (MESSAGE_​NBR) for Converted COBOL Program message categories
Message numbers below 1000 are reserved for common messages. Implementers must not use message numbers below 1000.
Message Number (MESSAGE_​NBR) for Java message categories
Subsystem Standard Messages - 00001 thru 02000
Reserved - 02001 thru 09999
Published Messages - 10001 thru 11000
Package Messages - 10001 thru 90000
Reserved - 90001 thru 99999
Each package is allocated 100 message numbers, each starting from 101.
Published Messages are messages that are special-interest messages that implementations need to know about and are therefore published in the user docs. Examples of these include messages that are highly likely to be changed for an implementation, or messages that are embedded into other texts/messages and therefore the message number is never shown
Reserved message number ranges are for future use and therefore must not be used by all products.
Customer Modification
Override Description (DESCRLONG_​OVRD), Message Text Override (MESSAGE_​TEXT_​OVRD)