Key Generation

Key generation is performed for tables that have sequential or system generated prime key. This is performed automatically for Java instances via the OUAF enTegrity.

Tables with a system-generated key contain their own unique key that is replicated in a related 'key table' suffixed with '_​K'. The purpose of the key table is to store the table identifier as well as the identifier of the environment in which the data row exists. An example is the Account table containing the Account identifier and the Account Key table containing the Account identifier and the Environment identifier.

These key tables support the Archiving and ConfigLab functionality by ensuring that a key will be unique across environments.

Note: Oracle recommends that customers using Oracle Utilities Application Framework version 4.2 or later and currently using ConfigLab switch to Configuration Migration Assistant (CMA) for their configuration data migration needs and retain ConfigLab for migration of master and transaction data migration. Also note that CMA functionality is not available to every Framework-based product. For details, including tips and requirements for moving from ConfigLab to CMA for configuration data migrations, see the "Configuration Migration Assistant" section in the Oracle Utilities Application Framework Aministration Guide.