Creating MOs and Maintenance Transactions

A typical development of a new MO and its corresponding maintenance transaction entails the following steps:

  • Create database objects, e.g., tables, indexes, etc.
  • Enter database type of meta-data using online application from the Admin Menu. This includes:
    • Field
    • Table
    • Table/Field
    • Constraints
  • Enter MO meta-data using the online system from the Admin Menu.
  • Create the entity, changeHandler, and maintenance impl (implementation) classes using Eclipse.
  • Generate artifacts based on the impl classes using the Artifact Generator. The artifact generator must also be executed whenever annotations and/or meta-data are changed.
  • Add business rules on either the entity or changehandler using Eclipse.
  • Create business components, if necessary, in Eclipse.
  • Create test classes and then execute JUnit tests in Eclipse.
  • If necessary, update maintenance impl class annotation to include fields with derived values using Eclipse. Regenerate artifacts after changing annotation. This generates the service metainfo.
  • Add business logic on maintenance impl classes using Eclipse.
  • Create maintenance test classes and then execute JUnit tests in Eclipse.
  • Create search impl classes using Eclipse.
  • Create search test classes and then execute JUnit tests in Eclipse.
  • Create a new Maintenance Object from the Admin Menu -> Maintenance Object. This would automaticaly create the Tab Menus and Tab Pages necessary for a new transaction. This will also create the appropriate navigation key for each program component.
  • Create javascript user exits for UI program components (e.g. tab menu, tab page, list grid, etc.).
  • Add security access to the new application service.
  • Create Menu entry for new application service.
  • Launch Tomcat server and test the new application service.

Building General Purpose Maintenance Classes

The steps for developing general-purpose maintenance classes are similar to those for MO-based maintenance classes, as described above, but without the need to rely on entity or MO metadata.

  • Create the maintenance impl (implementation) classes using Eclipse.
  • Generate artifacts based on the impl classes using the Artifact Generator. The artifact generator must also be executed whenever annotations and/or meta-data are changed.
  • Create business components, if necessary, in Eclipse.
  • Create test classes and then execute JUnit tests in Eclipse.
  • If necessary, update maintenance impl class annotation to include fields with derived values using Eclipse. Regenerate artifacts after changing annotation. This generates the service metainfo.
  • Add business logic on maintenance impl classes using Eclipse.
  • Create maintenance test classes and then execute JUnit tests in Eclipse.
  • Create javascript user exits for UI program components (e.g. tab menu, tab page, list grid, etc.).
  • Add security access to the new application service.
  • Create Menu entry for new application service.
  • Launch Tomcat server and test the new application service.