Project database information

In order to use the Maintenance Object Wizard described in the next section, some information will have to be provided in order for Eclipse to connect to the database to retrieve the Maintenance Object metadata.

There are two ways to specify the database connection information.

The first is a way for each project to possibly specify different connection information. This is done in the .project file stored in the project's directory. This is an XML file that describes the project. The database information can be supplied in a buildCommand node under buildSpec under the projectDescription root node:


The values <URL>, <USERNAME>, <PASSWORD> should be replaced (including the surrounding '<' and '>') with the appropriate values for the database for the project.

This file will need to be hand edited, and Eclipse should be restarted after the edit is complete.

The second way is to provide a workspace-wide database connection. This is available in an Eclipse preference- go to "Window | Preferences...". Then in the tree pane on the left of the Preferences dialog, choose "SPL Preferences". Under OUAF preferences, choose "Database Connection". The preference pane on the right will now show inputs for the database connection information.

Preferences dialog

Click the override default DB connection if the database contains materialized views to the true development database for performance reasons. Enter the information into the appropriate text boxes and click OK. This will take effect immediately, without need of restarting Eclipse.