Defining Algorithm Types
The system provides many algorithm types to support base product functionality. If you need to introduce a new type of algorithm, open Admin > System > Algorithm Type.
Use the Algorithm Type Query portal to search for an existing algorithm type. Once an algorithm type is selected, you are brought to the maintenance portal to view and maintain the selected record.
Refer to The Big Picture Of Algorithms for more information.
Important! If you introduce a new algorithm type, carefully consider its naming convention. Refer to System Data Naming Convention for more information.
Description of Page
Enter an easily recognizable Algorithm Type and Description.
Owner indicates if this algorithm type is owned by the base package or by your implementation (Customer Modification). The system sets the owner to Customer Modification when you add an algorithm type. This information is display-only.
Enter a Detailed Description that describes, in detail, what algorithms of this type do.
Use Algorithm Entity to define where algorithms of this type can be "plugged in". If a detailed description about an algorithm entity is available, a small help icon is visible adjacent to the dropdown. Click the icon to view the information.
The values for this field are customizable using the lookup table. This field name is ALG_​ENTITY_​FLG.
Use Program Type to define if the algorithm's program is written using Java, a Plug-In Script, or Java (Converted), meaning the program has been converted to Java.
Note:Java (Converted) program types are not applicable to all products.
Use Program Name to define the program to be invoked when algorithms of this type are executed:
If the Program Type is Java (Converted), enter the name of the converted program.
If the Program Type is Java, enter the Java class name.
If the Program Type is Plug-In Script, enter the plug-in script name. Only plug-in scripts defined for the algorithm entity may be used.
Note:View the source. If the program is shipped with the base package, you can use the adjacent button to display the source code of this program in the Javadocs viewer. For plug-in scripts, drill into the plug-in script to view the details.
Use the Parameter Types grid to define the types of parameters that algorithms of this type use. The following fields should be defined for each parameter:
Use Sequence to define the relative position of the Parameter.
Use Parameter to describe the verbiage that appears adjacent to the parameter on the Algorithm page.
Indicate whether the parameter is Required. This indicator is used when parameters are defined on algorithms that reference this algorithm type.
Owner indicates if the parameter for this algorithm type is owned by the base package or by your implementation (Customer Modification). The system sets the owner to Customer Modification when you add an algorithm type with parameters. This information is display-only.
When adding a new algorithm type that is for a Java program, the parameters are automatically generated based on the Java code. Once an algorithm type exists, any additional parameters defined in the Java code should be manually added to the algorithm type. For other program types, algorithm type parameters must be manually defined.
When a new algorithm type parameter is added for any program type, existing algorithms for the algorithm type do not automatically get updated with the new parameter. The algorithms must be manually updated.