Maintaining Units
The Unit portal is used to display and maintain units. Refer to About Units for additional functional information.
You can access the portal by opening the menu and selecting Historian and Unit. A query portal opens with search options. After you select your record, the maintenance portal opens.
The following zone may appear as a part of the portal's Main tab page:
Unit - Displays the basic attributes of the unit.
To define a new unit:
1. Open the menu. Select Historian, Unit, and select Add.
2. Select a Unit Type from the drop-down menu and click OK.
3. Complete the required fields. Notice, for the Unit Identifier, Unit Relationship, and Characteristics sections, you will see asterisks next to some fields. These fields are only required if you click the plus sign (+) to add these items. However, by default, these sections are optional.
4. Click Save to finish adding the new unit.