Position Tab
The Position tab includes a tab for each unit that displays a table with information about the unit. The table shows the hourly megawatt output of each unit and its cost. The details of the output and cost are shown in the Load Data and Pricing Data sections of the table.
About Load Data
Load Data details the measurements of the output flow as represented in the following columns:
Flow - Displays the energy brought in from outside over the indicated hour.
Gen - Displays the energy generated by the specific municipality over the past hour.
Load - Displays the energy that the municipality delivered to customers over the past hour.
Forecast - Displays the energy forecast to be delivered to the customer over the past hour.
Differential - Displays the difference between the actual load and the forecast load.
About Pricing Data
Pricing Data details the cost breakdown of each unit represented in the following columns:
DA Position - Displays the amount of energy a municipality has committed to purchase.
DA LMP - Displays the day-ahead locational marginal price.
RT Position - Displays the output flow minus the DA Position, and represents the energy the municipality owns at the current time.
RT LMP - Displays real-time locational marginal price.