Oracle Utilities Opower Load Shifting: Rate Coach

Opower Load Shifting: Rate Coach offers utilities a comprehensive, cloud-based solution for engaging with modern utility customers. This service enables utilities to deliver superior service and engagement with customers on time of use rate plans by providing features that facilitate peak demand reduction. These features deliver insights to customers that educate them about their peak energy usage, and encourage them to shift their use to off-peak hours to help them reduce their peak spending and lower their monthly energy bills. The documentation resources below help you get started with the Load Shifting: Rate Coach Cloud Service.

Get Started with Load Shifting: Rate Coach


Review the features and requirements for the Load Shifting: Rate Coach Cloud Service.

Configuration Guides

Complete product feature configurations for the Load Shifting: Rate Coach Cloud Service.

What's New

Learn about the latest features in Opower Load Shifting: Rate Coach.

Customer Service Documentation

Support and respond to utility customer questions to customer service representatives about Load Shifting: Rate Coach products and features.