Configuring the Initial Measurement Algorithms

The behavior of initial measurement data processing can be adjusted by updating parameters in several key algorithms in the lifecycle.

Note: This is not a list of all algorithms and algorithm parameters that can be customized in the initial measurement processing lifecycle. Rather, it is a selection of some of the more impactful parameters.

Initial Measurement Data Seeder Algorithms

  • Derive Service Provider and Measuring Component (D1-DER-SPRMC):
    • Enabling a standalone measuring component search allows initial measurement data to be processed without a device identifier. This is useful when profile or temperature data is loaded through the IMD Seeder and a match must be made on measuring component identifiers alone.
    • If measuring component identifiers can be repeated across measuring components for the same device then the error for duplicate measuring components being found can be turned off. This is useful for certain head end systems that will have multiple channels with the same channel identifier. When a duplicate is found the search will fall back on other means for identifier the correct measuring component.
  • Perform Date/Time Adjustments and Undercount/Overcount Check (D1-DODTTMADJ):
    • Undercount validation can be turned off completely or left enabled. When left enabled the automatic filling of gaps can be turned off separately.
    • The overcount check can be turned off.
    • The automatic adjustment of the individual interval date/times to an interval boundary can be turned on.

If your implementation receives initial measurement data with date/times that do not include an explicit time zone and the devices report date/times in standard time, you may need to add the following configuration:

  • Navigate to Admin > Integration > Message Option
  • In the XAI compliance option, ensure that the following text is provided: xsd:strict:dstGapInStandardTime

This will prevent a date/time reported in standard time that falls on the missing hour of the day Daylight Savings Time is entered from being misinterpreted.

Specific Initial Measurement Data Algorithms

  • Normalize measurements (overwrite identical existing Measurements) (D1-NORM-IMD):
    • When the initial measurement data includes measurements that match exactly with the existing final measurements they can either be overwritten or skipped.
    • If logging of changes to final measurements is desired then it must be indicated as such in this algorithm. It is suggested to keep this turned off for high volume initial measurement data such as initial load. See Configuring Measurement Logging for more details.
Note: Refer to Configuring Consumption Synchronization for additional parameters that can be adjusted on specific initial measurement data algorithms.