CIM Event Processing Inbound Web Service

Event processing can be handled via the EventMessage operation of the ADK CIM Events and Alarms (DG-CIMEvents) SOAP-based inbound web service. This approach is most often used when a head end system sends real-time events to Smart Grid Gateway.

When invoking this webservice, the event payload should be included in the web service call. Refer to the International Standard document for detailed information about the event data to be included in the web service call. 

The ADK CIM Events and Alarms (DG-CIMEvents) service sends the payload to a file location where it is processed via batch processing.

The file location is defined in the Arrived Data Save Locations section of the ADK - Master Configuration, which includes the following parameters: 

  • File Storage: A File Storage Configuration (F1-FileStorage) extendable lookup value that defines the staging area to which the payloads will be saved. See Creating File Storage Extendable Lookup Values (LINK) for more information.

  • Output Bucket/Folder Name: The bucket name (if saving to Oracle Object Storage), or a directory below the specified file storage location (if saving to a local file system).

  • Filename Generation Script:  The name of a service script used to compose the filename when saving the incoming payload. The Default Filename Generator (D1DEFFNGEN) script is used by default if not specified.

  • XSL Transformer Template: The name of an XSL used to create the event payload from the incoming inbound message data. Select the "ADK - CIM EndDeviceEvents Output" (DG-CIMEndDvcEvtsOutput.xsl) XSL.

  • File Extension: An extension used for the name of the outputted file. It can be specified with or without a leading dot (ex: ".txt" or "xml").