CIM Command Extendable Lookups

Processing of CIM commands requires configuration of values for a number of extendable lookups. This topic outlines the extendable lookups used with processing CIM commands.

Payload Processing Extendable Lookups

Processing of measurement data returned via on-demand read commands requires configuration of values for the following extendable lookups:

  • Unit of Measure Mapping: Unit of measure mapping is based on the ReadingType string in the CIM payload and uses the ADK - UOM Code to Standard UOM Mapping (DG-HeadendUOMLookup) extendable lookup. 

  • Interval Size Mapping: Interval size (expressed as seconds per interval or SPI) mapping is based on the measuringPeriod value extracted from the ReadingType string and uses the ADK CIM Measuring Period Lookup (DG-CIMMeasuringPeriodLookup) extendable lookup.

  • Condition Code Mapping: Condition code mapping is based on the ReadingQualityType string in the CIM payload (if present) and uses the the ADK - Interval Sts Code to Cond Map (DG-IntStsCodeToCondMapLookup) extendable lookup. 

See  CIM Payload Processing Data Mapping and Extendable Lookups for more information about these extendable lookups.

ADK CIM Header Verb Lookup

The ADK CIM Header Verb Lookup (DG-CIMHeaderVerbLookup) extendable lookup defines values for message type verbs used in CIM messages. Refer to Annex A in the  International Standard document  (LINK) for detailed information about verbs. This extendable lookup is pre-populated with values from the International Standard document.

ADK CIM Reply Code Lookup

The ADK CIM Reply Code Lookup (DG-CIMReplyCodeLookup) extendable lookup contains the enumeration of the values in the Reply / Error / Code element in replies from the head end system. The values are defined in Annex B in the  International Standard document  (LINK).  Values comprise two numbers separated by a dot. Example: ReplyCode = <ReplyCode Category> “.” <ReplyCode Index>

This extendable lookup is pre-populated with values from Table B.10 – Common enumerations in the International Standard document.

ADK CIM Reply Result Lookup

The ADK CIM Reply Result Lookup (DG-CIMResponseReplyRsltLookup) extendable lookup contains the enumeration of the values for the Reply.Result value returned from the head end system.  This extendable lookup is pre-populated with values from the International Standard document (Refer to Annex B).

ADK CIM Data Source Extendable Lookup

The ADK CIM Data Source Extendable Lookup (DG-DataSourceLookup) extendable lookup is used to map descriptions to data sources defined in the head end system. Each value defined for the CIM Data Source extendable lookup should include the following:

  • Data Source: The CIM code for the data source

  • Description: A description of the data source

  • Status: The status of the lookup value (can be Active or Inactive)

This extendable lookup is pre-populated with two values : AMI and Database.