Configuring Meter Insights and Investigations

Configuring the Meter Insights and Investigations functionality involves creation and configuration of the following:

Business Flag Types

Create a business flag type for each type of revenue protection insight that will be received from Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights, including the following:

  • Business Object: Service Point Monitor Business Flag Type (D1-SPMonitorBusinessFlagType)

  • Related Transaction BO: Revenue Protection Insight (D1-RevenueProtectionInsight)

  • Service Issue Monitor Type: The service task type for investigations created from business flags of this type.
    Note: Because the Service Issue Monitor Type field is required, when initially creating business flag types, select a placeholder Service Issue Monitor Type to enable you to save the business flag type. After you have created the appropriate service task types, return to each business flag type and select the correct Service Issue Monitor Type.

Define other fields based on your business requirements.

Extendable Lookups

The Meter Insights Investigation Viewer portal uses the following profile extendable lookups when displaying consumption and insights (events):

  • 360 View Event Bar Profile: Defines events to highlight that are pertinent to investigations, including your new business flag types

  • Final Values Overlay Profile: Defines values to graph that are pertinent to investigations

Use the Extendable Lookup portal to create new extendable lookup values:

  1. Create a new 360 View Event Bar Profile extendable lookup value that includes your business flag types as well as other events pertinent to your investigations.

  2. Create a new Final Values Overlay Profile extendable lookup value that includes the values to graph that are pertinent to your investigations.

These extendable lookup values will be referenced by your service task types.

To Do Types

Use the To Do Type portal to create a To Do Type (or update an existing To Do Type) with the Set Investigation Priority (D1-STINVSGPR) algorithm defined for the Calculate Priority system event.

These To Do Types will be referenced by your service task types.

Service Task Types

Create a service task type for each type of revenue protection insight (each type of investigation) that will be received from Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights, including the following:

  • Business Object: Meter Insight Investigation Type (D1-MtrInsightInvestigationType)

  • Related Transaction BO: Meter Insight Investigation (D1-MeterInsightInvestigation)

  • Evaluation Criteria: The criteria used to evaluate the service point, including the existence of business flags of specified types (the business flag types you created earlier). See the embedded help for more details.

  • Service Investigation Order: The field activity type and Field Task Type for field activities created by the investigation.

  • Completion Criteria: The criteria used to determine if the service investigation order (field activity) should be completed and the result to be returned to the investigation. See the embedded help for more details.

  • Consumption Data Source: Details that specify the types of consumption data will be displayed and how it is displayed in the  Meter Insights Investigation Viewer  portal, including the 360 Event Bar Profile and Final Values Overlay Profile extendable lookup values created earlier.

  • To Do Information: The To Do Type and To Do Role used for To Do Entries created by the investigation. This should reference the To Do Type configured earlier.

Note: After you have created the appropriate service task types, return to the corresponding business flag type and select the correct service task type from the Service Issue Monitor Type drop-down list.

Master Configuration

Create a Meter Insights Configuration master configuration to capture key details used by Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights when creating insights including:

  • Tolerances details related to specific types of insights (Flipped Meter, Unauthorized Consumption, and Leak Detection)

  • Core sources of consumption for electric, gas, and water service types (including service point types, and unit of measure/time of use/service quantity identified combinations for each)

The master configuration is synchronized with Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights, and is used by Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights when generating insights for potential investigation.